Rights Of Children

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Rights of Children

Rights of Children



A parent of a child in the 3-5 year old children's room asked staff not to allow her child to join in the singing of Christmas carols and making of Christmas decorations/ paintings as this practice conflicted with the family's religious beliefs. The parent is shocked to see a photos of the children displayed on the notice board, one which included her child sitting at an activity table wearing a Santa hat and colouring in a Christmas tree. She complains to the centre's director about this matter.


Current situation

Parent: Why was my child involved in something which does not pertain to her religious beliefs?

Staff member: I could not separate your child, as like everyone else was doing the activity!

Brief description of the situation

Staff Member: Everyone in this early children room has the right to be involved in activities which enhance their knowledge.

Parent: I do not agree with this and I want to file a complaint against such practice.


Staff Member: You need to realize that children have the right to experience such things to enhance their knowledge.

Parent: No! Why do you fail to understand that these practices are against our religious beliefs?

Significance of this experience

Staff Member: There a reasonable explaination to this as our children's room works under the Early Childhood Australia's Code of Ethics and there is not anything unethical.

Parent: I do not need any such explaination, what is wrong is wrong!

Social or cultural values and ideas represented in this experience

 Staff Member: We make sure that every child in this room has access to knowledge around them which help them to increase their general knowledge.

Parent: You still violated our religious beliefs.


Staff Member: I consider all the children in this particular children's room to be equal and entitled to knowledge.

Parent: Your high authorities needed to be aware of such a education plan, as there are children who belong to minority groups. Learning from this experience Staff Member: But you do not understand, I cannot deprive your child from receiving knowledge or experiencing activities which it is entitled too.

Parent: I demand a proper explaination and I really do not care about whatever ethical code you follow. Adjustments can be made

Staff Member: I apologize for such a mistake, so basically next time I will try to involve her in doing something which pertains to your religious practice.

Parent: Sure.


Recognition of the dilemma

This is a case of religious clash, in which the child is victimized unintentionally. As a teachers job, the staff member did not want the child to get upset so that is the reason why the child was made to stay with the class and participate in the activities they were doing. The child's parent was infuriated due to this issue and demanded a detailed explaination regarding the matter. It is the parent's right to raise an issue regarding such a thing, as it can create major conflicts between the child's religious ...
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