Rights And Obligations

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Rights and Obligations

Rights and Obligations


Only those societies get acknowledgement in the world where there is a stern stronghold of the law."Where the rights of the citizens get healthily exercised by the society which automatically encourages a citizen to abide by the obligations of law and order", after all, it is the rule of law that separates docile society from an insolvent society where there is no rule of law. Aristotle quotes in this regard quoted.

“At his best man is the noblest of all animals; separated from “law and justice” he is the worst.”

It will not be wrong if we christen the United States of America as one of the most subservient and legally organized societies of the world. United States, a country which follows strict rule of law, and everyone is equal in the eyes of the law. This paper is a glaring example of that where a men from Seattle files a suit against a soft drink company, who clearly miss-conceptualized the initiative of the advertisement.


Elements of a valid contract

Following are the four elements of legality that all advertisement companies in the (USA) must abide by.

Legitimate agreement

This could be explained as a legal contract amid the offerer (the person offering a contract) and the offeree (the person accepting the offer of the contract) agreements can also be alienated in two types that are:

1. Small scale agreements

These types of agreements normally exist between two persons. It does not include the offering of services.

Example (Jane (offerer) is selling her house to Marry (offeree)).

2. Large scale agreements

In these types of agreements can be labeled as gigantic, as there is a lot at stake, it could be an offer or a covenant that an organization offers to a person or it can even be an agreement between two organizations or businesses.

Example (Vodafone (2012) offering it services on every legal purchase of an I-phone).

Terms and conditions of the contract

The second element explicate the necessary of a verity while signing a contract, the first and foremost condition that is crucial is that both parties that are implicated in the contract are eligible and completely satisfies all the terms and conditions.

Following are the factors that should be satisfied by individuals or companies in the United States of America are following.

1. Legality of age.

2. Sanity.

3. Complete and thorough indulgence regarding contracts.

Considerations and values received via agreement

The considerations could be of several types depending on the contract, ...
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