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Society as a whole has the obligation to protect humanity in terms of providing individuals with their individual basic right. Others believe this as they are of the opinion that society is made up of people and the prime aim of a society is to ensure that every individual is leading the life he is suppose to; meaning all that he should be entitled with. But this thinking is wrong. Society does not solely have the obligation to protect humanity. This brings up the question what societies are made up of, what are human rights, what entails them and what are their prime obligations and tasks. Another question that comes up is that if not society, and then who all are responsible to protect humanity in terms of providing individuals with their basic right.


Society or a human society is a group of people related to each other through persistent relations such as social status, roles and social networks. In other words it is a large social grouping that shares the same geographical territory and is subject to the same political authority and dominant cultural expectations. Society is organized into various kinds of social groupings, such as nomadic hordes, towns, cities and nations, within which it works, trade, play, play and interact in different ways. Unlike other species, combine socializing with deliberate changes in behavior and social organization over time. As a result, patterns of human society differ from one place to another, from one era to another and from one culture to another, making the world a very complex social and dynamic. (Alston & Philip, 1992)

Now coming down to the second reason with respect to question 1 which is Human rights are" rights and freedoms to which all humans are entitled." Proponents of the notion generally claim that every individual is endowed with certain entitlements only by cause of being human. Human privileges are privileges inherent to all human beings, anything our nationality, location of house, sex, nationwide or ethnic origin, hue, religion, dialect, or any other status. We are all identically deserving to our human privileges without discrimination. These privileges are all interrelated, interdependent and indivisible. Universal human privileges are often conveyed and assured by regulation, in the types of treaties, accustomed worldwide regulation, general values and other causes of worldwide law. International human privileges regulation lays down obligations of Governments to proceed in certain modes or to refrain from certain actions, in alignment to encourage and defend human privileges and basic freedoms of persons or groups. Human rights are therefore believed in a universal and egalitarian fashion. Such entitlements can live as distributed norms of genuine human moralities, as supported lesson norms or natural privileges sustained by powerful causes, or as lawful privileges either at a nationwide grade or inside worldwide law. (Buergenthal & Thomas, 1995)

Hence this makes one understand that societies work towards the betterment of the entire race they belong to, but they are not solely obligated to do ...
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