Right Boss, Wrong Company

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Right Boss, Wrong Company

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Right Boss, Wrong Company

Task 2.1

The leadership style of Max Worthy was highly centralized and authoritative where the employees of the company were not included in the mainstream decision making process. This caused the management to develop a certain gap from the employees of the company, leading to the development of a highly isolated and closed company environment (Harris, 1998, pp. 850). Max Worthy belonged to the traditional and non collaborative school of management, where he did not believe that the employees should partake in any management role. The employees were not considered as creative or value creating assets for the company rather they were identified as standard working units. In the traditional management perspective the concept of scientific management proposed that the employees should be provided highly standardized and repetitive tasks, so that a concept of work specialization can be developed. This management principal may not be relevant for majority of the creative or service oriented industries, however in the context of a shoe manufacturing company, such a management style can be highly effective. Max Worthy was able to critically analyze the specific dynamic of the company and take strategic actions, to maximize the production capability of the company. The employees of the company were also fairly satisfied with the policies and the management style of the senior manager.

The leadership style of Brenda Hogan was in complete contrast to her relatively older and experienced predecessor. Unlike Max Worthy, Brenda did not have relevant amount of experience in the senior management position and lacked the skills to adequate manage the work force of the company. She tried to implement a highly collaborative and open leadership style where she seeked to empower the employees of the company. In this perspective she involved the previous isolated work force in the decision making procedure and also provided higher authorities to the relevant employees. Her leadership style was based on the recognition of the employees as strategic partners, rather than standard work components. Even though the new and dynamic management style of Brenda was focused on providing the employees with greater responsibilities and job enrichment, it eventually over burdened the employees, who were clearly not ready or equipped to handle this progressive management role. Brenda's management style was theoretically correct however unlike Max Worthy, it lacked the practical application factor in context to Fancy Footwear Company.

Task 2.2

In the case study it is very clear that the manager Max Worthy has implemented a very systematic and scientific approach to management, as compared to the humanistic and collaboration based strategies followed by Brenda Hogan. As pr the relevant attributes and philosophy of the scientific approach to management, Max Worthy believed in developing a highly specialized and well planned working unit. The assembly line concept is a significant component of the scientific approach of management, as it maximizes the operational and production capacity of any manufacturing facility. Labor efficiency is one of the major objectives of the ...