Rib Fracture

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Rib Fracture

Rib Fracture

What is a rib fracture?

A rib fracture is basically a split or crack in a rib bone. The ribs are that part of the bones which is connected to the spine in front of the chest. The formation of all the rib bones then makes a rib cage. Fractures of rib are very common in the elderly people and sportsmen. Normally the fracture of rib is healed within 4 to 6 weeks after taking complete rest. Many rib fractures are caused by a blow to the chest which moves the broken rib inward. The edges of the broken rib can damage vital organs like lungs, heart or liver. These kinds of damages can even lead to bleeding in the chest or may even harm one of the lungs. (Boonen, 2004)

Causes of broken rib

There are several causes of rib fracture which are:

Trauma: This occurs when a person is directly hit on the chest and that breaks a bone of the rib. Sometimes, the organs are also affected because of this accident. Flail chest occurs whether ribs are broken in two or more locations. This condition makes it quite difficult in breathing for any person. Those ribs are which are broken due to flail chest does not push the bodies properly.

Stress: The occurrence of stress fractures takes place when the muscles that are attached to ribs are used in frequent basis. Normally, these fractures are not very big and are healed with proper rest. Stress fractures are very common among sportsmen. The problem of severe cough also increases the risk of having a rib stress fracture. (Brainsk, 1997)

Signs and symptoms of a broken rib

The building of unusual lump takes place in the chest.

The broken rib even affects the skin.

Worsening of Chest pain takes place during breathing.

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