Rhino Capture In Kruger National Park

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Rhino Capture in Kruger National Park

Rhino Capture in Kruger National Park


The case of Rhino Capture in study is related to Kruger National Park which was established in the year 1898 with the purpose of protecting the nation's fast diminishing wildlife. The Kruger National Park holds special importance and recognition across the globe for the fact that it provides safe haven to the endangered white rhinos species. According to a research report published in the year 2009, Kruger National Park is a sanctuary to 10,000 white rhinos and 500 black rhinos.

Decision Makers

The key decision makers in this case study are; Dr. Markus Hofmeyr, South African National Government and respective provincial administration. Dr. Markus Hofmeyr is the head of Veterinary Wildlife Services for South African National Parks (SANParks). The decision of South African National Government, Veterinary Wildlife service about the policies and budgets are very important to save the rhinos from being captured by the SANPark to earn profits.

Problem Statement

The main problem faced in this case was the capture and subsequent sale of rhinos in Kruger National Park. The other problem was of reduction in grants of Kruger National Park over last three years by the government and the budgetary issues.

Identification of Alternatives

Lucrative Tourist Operations

To meet the required grant for Kruger National Park, substitute sources can be considered to avoid Rhino selling. Among these, the main source of generating revenue is through tourist operations.

Selling Of Substitute Wildlife Animals

Another source of income is the selling of other wildlife animals that are in abundance for the income generation.

Eradication of the Consumer Market

Markets and states, where purchasing of the Rhinos is in demand, should be eradicated to minimize the element of selling the Rhinos.

Analysis of Alternatives

For introducing lucrative tourist operations, the park can offer various kinds of lodging and camping facilities to tourists. The SANPark can make more revenues by improving the quality and increasing the facilities for tourist at the park. There should be proper marketing campaign designed to build the image of Kruger National Park in the tourist's mind and they should analyze environment in order to evaluate the factors, the Kruger National Park can attract more tourists to generate profits by increasing number of visitors. The second alternative that the management of SANPark could take is the selling of substitute wildlife animals.

There are various other animals in abundance in the park that could be sold in place of Rhinos to ...