Rhetorical Analysis Of A Rent A Car "lease Agreement" Letter

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Rhetorical Analysis of a Rent a Car "Lease Agreement" Letter

Rhetorical Analysis of a Rent a Car "Lease Agreement" Letter

Format and Layout

At first glance, the Lease Agreement Letter portrays a professional letter figure in its presentation and formatting area. After analyzing the important aspects of the letter, the bold words AGREEMENT OF RENTAL OF VEHICLE emphasize the letter heading, but it certainly contains grammatical error that gives a bad impression from the very first sentence of the letter. The very next line after the main heading also does not maintain standard writing. There is a lack of punctuation in the letter, particularly in the Salutation. The letter should be written separately for the potential customer as it could particularly concentrate on them. Undoubtedly, the key information is delivered swiftly in the letter, but it contains many errors that do not sketch a good impact. The paragraphing also contains error, especially in the third paragraph of the letter. These minor mistakes reveal the non professional attitude and standards are being applied in the organization. It is important to consider these minor mistakes because these are the basic components that bring the potential customer.

The use of colored company's logo can appeal the customer. The logo design potentially builds the customer's perception about the company's standing. Blue is a standard color for designing company's logo. Apart from black and blue, the document does not show any other color application. The document somehow reflects an image of professionalism; therefore, it might not contain much color combination to appeal the customer. Moreover, the formatting of the agreement is quite acceptable. It contains proper bold headings and numbering, however, it has one mistake in the last part of the form, where the heading of terms and conditions is also mentioned on the same page. The application form for car leasing is easy to read as it does not contain complex information or requirement. The choice of font style of the leasing document is acceptable and thus reflects the standard writing style. The part of rules and regulation certainly contain very minute font which is not easy to read in a clear manner. It is important to analyze that why company's keep the small font in their rules and regulations part, even it is the essential component of any agreement.


In the starting part of the letter, the main heading of the document contains grammatical error, which can really put a bad impression on professional and highly qualified customers. On page1, the heading should be different as it only contains an announcement or letter; therefore, using the similar heading or title repeatedly with different content matter is not appropriate. This can confuse the reader about the form and its actual announcement. The title or subject matter needs more improvement as it contains many errors in it. The author seems to persuade customers in a very easy manner and may try to communicate in a friendly way. But this document should not be taken in a personal manner and must ...