Rhetoric And Reasoning

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Rhetoric and Reasoning

Rhetoric and Reasoning


In a family, parents are mainly responsible for the care of their children's. Parents are most likely responsible for fulfilling the essential needs of their children's. To look after food, shelter and other common necessities is the responsibility of their parents. Parents should mainly become a role model for their children so that their children may follow their learning's and instructions. Parents may teach the fundamental values and attributes to their children, which they will hold throughout their life. The children in return may give respect to their parents due to their teachings and sacrifices for them.

When the children are grown, they should be accountable for their parents and take care of them in their old age. These all responsibilities of the children when they are grown up should not be considered as a matter of duty; rather it should be a return to their parents for their love and care in their childhood. Western and Chinese culture may differ in a lot of things. Western parents act differently with the children as compared to the Chinese parents. The proper growth of the children is very important for their parents because it may lead to a bright or worse future.

The two articles are mainly emphasizing on the children upbringing by parents and differences of the Chinese and American parents response to their children and elaborating the superiority among them. The United States facilities for children's education etc. were also discussed in one of the articles.

Critical Analyzing of both articles

In the article “Why Chinese Mothers are superior”, Amy Chua discussed the superiority of the Chinese mothers over the western mothers. She continuously argues that Chinese mothers are superior to the western mothers and they know how to rear their child. Many of us imagine how these Chinese parents or mothers raise such successful kind of parents. Amy Chua is rightly saying as she gives examples of her daughters Sophia and Louisa. Amy Chua is a strict kind of mother which cares a lot about their children's future. Amy describes that she never allowed her children (daughters) to have fun or other extracurricular activities like participating in a school play, watching Television or games, having a play date, play only piano and many more (Chua, 2011, pp. nd.).

Wendy Sachs, an editor of care in the article says that these Chinese mothers also only allow their kids to master piano or violin and not other instrument. She further says that they want their kids to be perfect in every subject and should not get involve in a gym or drama. She also says that their kids are also not allowed to get grades below A. (Sachs, 2011, pp. nd.).

I believe that Amy Chua argument is correct as she also proves it with different statistics. Amy Chua rightly says that Western parents are very polite to their kids. She rightly says that when western mothers think that they are strict, then even they cannot relate ...
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