Review Of Arsenic? Boron? Nickel? Silicon? And Vandium

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Review of Arsenic? Boron? Nickel? Silicon? and Vandium

Review of Arsenic? Boron? Nickel? Silicon? and Vandium

This paper presents the review of Boron for this purpose I will focus on its function? physiology of absorption? metabolism? intake of boron? tolerable upper intake levels and response assessment. Boron plays a critical role in various biochemical processes taking place in the body by increasing the efficiency of various organic compounds such as vitamins? carbohydrates and enzymes. Boron supplements are often recommended for individuals regularly taking an antacid. Magnesium? a key component of antacid tablets and milk of magnesia have the tendency to interfere with Boron absorption in the body. Boron is also beneficial for women using herbs to treat the symptoms of menopause. The intake of Boron supplements increases the effectiveness of phytoestrogens such as beet root? alfalfa? bud rock? kudzu? hops? licorice? pomegranate? saw palmetto? thyne? soy? red clover? yucca? black cohosh etc. It also increases the effects of testosterone? the male hormone in the body. Authors mentions It is an important trace mineral required by the body for the maintenance of good health and fights a number of diseases. It is a natural remedy for arthritis and ageing. As per research? it provides 95% or more relief in arthritis patients by enabling the integration of calcium into the cartilage and bone. Boron delays the process of ageing by strengthening the bones and preventing them from decay by making them porous. Boron is helpful in providing relief during menopause. It is required for the production of estrogen? the female hormone and helps reduce hot flushes and increases libido. It raises the level of the natural sex hormones in the body? thereby eliminating the need of HRT or hormone replacement therapy. It plays a crucial role in various biochemical processes occurring in the body by enhancing the effectiveness of carbohydrates? vitamins? proteins etc.

Boron (B) is an essential trace element for plants and its interrelationship with mineral and bone metabolism and endocrine function in humans has been proposed. Relatively little is known about the occurrence of B in the food chain and hence a biomarker which reflects its intake is required. Two studies were carried out to quantify the urinary B concentration of subjects consuming their habitual diet and the effect of supplementation. In addition? the effect of supplementation on plasma lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations and susceptibility to oxidation and plasma steroid hormones were determined. Boron excretion? obtained on two different occasions from 18 healthy male subjects? was found to be in the range 0.35-3.53 mg/day? with no significant difference between the two occasions. Supplementation with 10 mg B/d for 4 wk resulted in 84% of the supplemented dose being recovered in the urine. Plasma estradiol concentrations increased significantly as a result of supplementation (51.9 +/- 21.4 to 73.9 +/- 22.2 pmol/L; p < 0.004) and there was a trend for plasma testosterone levels to be increased. However? there was no difference in plasma lipids or the oxidizability of low-density ...