Review Motivator Theories

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Review Motivator Theories

Corporate Initiatives towards Motivator Theories


The initiatives from the corporate world mainly focus on the improvement regarding the associations at the workplace. The quality scholars have indicated that employees are the main assets of any organization and they build the quality to the goods and services of an organization. Thus, the quality of goods and services are depended on the employee's participation, performance, morale, satisfaction, performance and commitment with the job. It is considered that employees make initiatives related to quality for being successful when motivational theories are properly and well deployed. The motivator theories include: goal setting theory, equity theory, expectancy theory, behavior modification theory and job design's theory. For different organizations, quality initiatives been considered to be of great benefit for them. The mainly motive of this essay to highlight and examine the statements that created by different authors and to evaluate their perceptions regarding the theory of motivation.

Critical Discussion

It has been analyzed from the article that includes all three authors such as Steers, Mowday and Shapiro focused on new working regarding theory of work motivation due to improved diversity with different needs and demand. These all three authors considered that how can we extend or modify the present models of the motivational work so they will be able to remain to be relevant in future time. But there are several limitations and weakness that are related on the thesis statement due to the nature's work and it has changed and makes importance for the managers in order to work on the upcoming theory of motivation. There are many reasons for working on the upcoming theory of motivation such as technology; globalization and the needs based divergent demand. While, there are certain limitations in the earlier time where authors who perceive in the needs based on hierarchy level rather than re-defining them. According to my perspective, there is a need for extending or modifying the present models related to motivational work so they will be relevant or applicable in the near future.

It has been analyzed from Frank & Jeffery - Book work in the 21st Century that has revealed the theory of motivation fails due to the ineffectiveness of a theory in the real life. As the theory of motivation was unable to recognize the activities based on higher mental. As a result, many authors criticize their statements and according to my point of view, there is a need to work on the theory of motivation (Landy, & Conte, 2000).

It is examined that McClelland & Burnham observes to the flattening structure of conventional hierarchy regarding the power in companies and they have explained regarding the new standards for the distribution of power in the companies will change and alter that will have surprising effects on the motivation (McClelland & Burnham, 1976). According to the perspective of McClelland & Burnham, power is the important and main motivator besides the factor of age and it has the great implication on the ...
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