Retaining Talent

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Principles of Motivation & motivating others

Principles of Motivation & motivating others


The most important asset of a company is the talent of its employees which is an absolute truth that no one can deny. But if this is so obvious, why do not we build awareness that something so important influences our business? For a good recruitment of talent, it is important to know where he is or might be and how we will evaluate to ensure that the chosen candidate is the one we need, that does not mean it is "the best" but "more appropriate" to our specific needs under a particular environment. Companies specializing in recruitment and selection of staff provide market knowledge (where is the most suitable candidate, how will I know, how will I contact and what tools I will use to predict how it will behave at work). Competence analysis offers insight into his subsequent conduct; it requires a long expertise as evaluators, a thorough understanding of the labor market and a good ability to analyze the needs of each company. That is, a great expertise. And once the expert candidate is hired, it is necessary that the candidate is kept motivated at all times to contribute to the future outcomes of the organization. The following paper discusses the importance of motivation in companies to retain the talented employees and how companies are increasingly working towards the improvement of the workplaces to gain advantage from the talented employees.


Hiring employees on the basis of evaluation

Evaluation techniques are increasingly developed to assess the competence of candidates in an environment very similar to what they will find in the company. There are situational tests which analyze "critical incidents" for which he spent time in a situation similar to the profession and how he deals with it is observed. The assessment is a set of tests that predict future behavior, quite rightly in the position for which you are assessed. For a junior candidate, it is most important to analyze their skills and potential, since there is no previous experience to evaluate the abilities (Memmott, 2002, n.d). It is essential that candidates possess the ability to adapt quickly to a changing business environment.

Retention of talent

One of the greatest challenges of the business is to know how to retain their talent. In periods of economic boom, the career opportunities are a continuous temptation, which makes it difficult to hold. The best strategy for human resources market in these situations is to develop a policy providing internal development of the professionals. It should have detected the talent and appointed a successor, which means pension management of human resources and compensation and benefits policy adapted to the real needs of the employees and their families.

According to a recent study, one of the elements that distinguish The Best Employers from others is their recruiting process where there is a formal metrics and defined set of skills. The Best Employers give life to these skills by using them in an ...
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