Retail Company For Women Fashion

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Retail Company for Women Fashion


The company chosen for this project is Zara. The paper will discuss the aims of the project with Key metrics by we will measure the success or failure of the project.

What the company does and its market.

The Recipe for Success of the Zara Fashion Launch

Fashion companies rarely have a second chance to make a significant impact with a new product (fashion). The strongest indicator of long-term product (fashion) success is sales performance within the first nine months of launch. The key factors for a successful product (fashion) launch are well known in the industry.

Shape the Product

Blockbuster fashion are not just discovered, they are proactively designed. The key to a well shaped product is excellent coordination between designers and the commercial functions early on in the product's development. Early commercial inputs, market research, and key opinion leader involvement are essential. Promotion outcomes analysis and a compelling value story for the managed market environment is a necessity.

Shape the Market

Attaining a steep penetration and maximization of sales is primarily a consequence of marketing investments aimed at conditioning the market over several years, rather than a few months prior to or during the launch. Broad clinical trials can be used to grow the awareness among physicians, increasing the percentage of physicians that have had experience with the product prior to launch. Scenario planning and war games provide vital insight into the future competitive landscape and prepare launch teams to succeed in multiple scenarios.

Shape the Organization

Product launches always results in organizational change. Companies launching products in a new therapeutic area will require a new infrastructure; products launched into an existing portfolio mandate coordinated positioning and decisions about shared resources. Conflicts for scarce resources must be managed, and synergies need to be maximized.

Aims to Success

Each of our postings to social media sites will include a trackable link so we know how many people click on each post. Using online tools like link redirectors (i.e.,, and others), we can also see how many of readers and followers repost or forward such links. We will also include trackable links within our email marketing messages.

Those who click to find more information about fashion will be directed to landing pages, which are web pages that contain more information about a specific game, including details and links to download the games. These landing pages will be optimized for search engines (we have SEO, search engine optimization, expertise) so that when Internet users search on various keywords, our pages will rank highly in their search results.

Using online analytics tools, we will be able to see how many people click on various links in our media campaigns to go to the landing pages and how many clicks to download each game. However, online clicks cannot track users who use their mobile phone to download the apps directly, which may comprise the bulk of our downloads. For those, tracking of downloads is provided by the platform such as Appstore. Zara is the leading fashion company ...
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