Response To Questions

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Response to Questions

Response to Questions

1. If selected as senior officer you will be expected to be a mentor and role model for your peers .Please provide example of how you have mentored or been a role model to your peers.

If I have been selected as a senior officer, the main roles that I would have to play will be to mentor, administer and manage the organizational objectives. It is the responsibility of a senior officer to keep the lower staff motivated and keep up the spirit of team in them so that all of would be able to collectively attain the overall organizational mission. As a military officer I have observed that how senior officers keep the team spirit active in situations like war, terrorist attacks etc. I have devoted my life and served as a sincere military officer. I have played an active role in the terrorist attack 9/11, as I helped the forces in deterring, detecting and defeating the terrorists. As a Federal Officer since 2001, I have worked devotedly for the nation and made great improvements in it. Due to my dedication and devotion towards my post, I was selected to deploy military forces in more than 50 different countries. I have also worked on number of special assignments. I have been involved in training the new officers, this shows that I have the ability to take up any challenge. My 25 years of federal service and 11 years of honorable service prove that I am a sincere and honest person. In my view a role model should be an experienced person and he should have leadership qualities. I believe that if I have been assigned senior level post I will be able to fulfill it with devotion.

2. What specific qualities do you possess that you believe ...
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