Response To Intervention

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Response to Intervention

Response to Intervention


Response to Intervention model is basically a model for the evaluation of children and their responce to the evidence or instruction-based intervention for better decision making. It is related to the needs of children for education and eligibility for educational services and special education. The response to intervention model is basically used as a universal screening method for the identification of children who have learning disabilities and also for those who lack in response to the intensive intervention from the regular education setting to the special education. The response to intervention (RTI) can be used for the discrepancy model methods for the utilization of various discrepancies between the IQ of a child and one's educational achievement for the identification of learning disabilities (Brown-Chidsey &Steege 2010, p. 4).


Response to intervention model is the practice for the provision of high quality intervention and instructions related to the needs of the students and the progress of frequent monitoring through the examination of learning rate over time and performance level to inform the decisions based on education. Response to intervention model is not short assignments, special seating in classroom, retention, suspension, parent-teacher conference and general classroom instructions (Fletcher 2005, p. 545).


Response to intervention was initially developed in 1970s by various researchers looking for the identification method in learning disabilities which avoids the problems for the discrepancy model. The response to intervention is different from discrepancy model where the initial and intensive interventions in the setting of regular education are based on the learning characteristics of the students before any special education referral. According to the Council for Exceptional Children, response to intervention model benefits children when they want help and they are not waited to fail.

This model was recognized in 2004 and reauthorized by the federal individuals with the Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) as the option where the school districts use the students with learning disabilities identification. The initial introduction of response to intervention was done as special education policy in 2004. The model has basis on the roots of precision teaching, problem-solving, behavior analysis, diagnostic prescriptive teaching, data-based decision making, and curriculum based measurement and pre-referral intervention (VanDerHeyden 2005, p. 339).

Model Utilization

The response to intervention is used by the schools and districts. The response to intervention is a latest addition to the special education law of the country and schools. Response to intervention is a process ...