Response Paper

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Week 2 Discussion Question 2 - Response Paper

Week 2 Discussion Question 2 - Response Paper


A first approach to learning strategies leads us to the distinction between induced and imposed strategies, chiefly to the study of textbooks. The former are imposed by the teacher or programmer to make text editing or manipulation in content or structure of learning material. Induced strategies are linked to the training of individuals to directly manage their own procedures and enable them to learn successfully. That is, the strategies are imposed didactic elements that are interspersed in the text, such as summaries, reflection questions, exercises, self assessments, etc.., While strategies are induced contributions, such as self-examination, processing, repetition and imagery, which are developed by the student and form their own learning strategies.

It also indicates that cognitive strategies involve representational capabilities (such as reading, imaging, speech, writing and drawing), selective (such as attention and intention) and self-steering (as the self-programming and self-monitoring), and consist of two parts : a) a cognitive task guidance, and b) one or more representational capacity, selective or self-steering.


The strategies are ways in which the subject has to control the learning process. The technique used depends on the type of learning to occur: rote or meaningful. However, both types represent a continuum, according to Ausubel's theory, in which the memorization or repetition is incorporated in the early stages of meaningful learning. Whatever the type of learning that finally occurs, strategies to help students acquire knowledge more easily, to hold and retrieve it when needed, which helps improve school performance (Holmstrand, Harnsten & Lowstedt, 2008). In learning phase, it is necessary to consider the error as normal, inevitable, and accompany the student to help him accept it first and then to understand how it was produced. Controls, in fact too many, should be made only after ensuring that students have mastered the concepts and can do the exercises, signs that they are no longer in phase destabilization of cognitive and affective .

The aim of education should be to seek to bring out an independent subject, able to find his own motivation in learning and not to recognize students' errors and lower their scores. In practice, we never met a teacher using these keys, which means that by implementing only a few of these keys, you can be successful without knowing them all. But we must remember that this kind of project becomes effective only if teachers make themselves more with the support of school management because changes relate to introducing the field of values. A method is needed for working with people (teachers, parents) who do not necessarily have the same values ??as themselves. However, a teacher can already start with: accept the presence of emotions in the classroom by giving them a legitimate place and without giving them any place; decontaminate the error of the fault, as much for himself as for others work harder in class projects, with other colleagues, to renew itself with the motivation to ...
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