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Response Paper

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Toxic Sludge Response Paper

Toxic Sludge Response Paper


Two of the most misunderstood terms in advertising and public relations are precisely these. Often used interchangeably for senior positions in companies. The fact is that they are two different disciplines with their own advantages and disadvantages to disseminate messages to target audiences. Advertising is the use of paid advertisements that are sent to different media such as print (newspapers, magazines, sales literature), electronic (broadcast TV, CATV, radio), and now, Internet (business websites, portals, spaces digital market email). The advantages are many: the company controls the who, what, where, when and how of your message, and the power of a carefully crafted message.

Located strategically in a given time of the election of the company in one or more means selected to maximize the impact of what is meant. The disadvantage is the potential distrust of the hearing to any situation that smacks of advertising. For many, advertising is misleading or synonymous with deception. But since the company controls the message, one can regulate the level of acceptance by the audience. How? Decreasing the hyperbola and avoiding words as trite as "industry leader", "revolutionary" and "cutting edge" or "the edge", just to name a few. Public Relations (PR) is a calculated effort to manipulate favorable impressions and attitudes of a target audience, primarily by convincing the editors to publish information about the company or product. While this may sound easy, it is not. An effective PR activity is not felt as manipulation or coercion because if you have done things the right way, and presented a compelling story of legitimate interest to the audience, the editors obviously gravitate toward it. After all, the editors need a good content for their publications or programs. If you give them something of value and interest, generally acknowledge the aid received. The advantage of PR is the perceived objectivity of messages: if something is published, must be A) true and B) important.


Advertising has become an entirely intrusive and omnipresent today. There are few places in the close social environment of people who are not imbued with instructions to buy a particular product or service. Advertising is a concept broad enough to include almost anything (Andrews, 2006). The handwritten sign that appears in the window of a store announced give private lessons, the leaflets distributed by the supermarket chains which are showing their offers, classified advertisements appearing in newspapers, the announcement of a drink cooling or a new car model that is televised, and even the election posters showing the image of a politician during the election campaign, they are all examples of advertisements. Therefore, advertising takes many forms as selling products or services; it is an important means to stimulate sales in a consumer-oriented world.

They have adopted definitions of advertising, but they all share the idea that advertising is a form of persuasive communication, i.e. a type of communication that seeks to create or modify attitudes towards products, services, ideas, or ...
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