Response Essay

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Response Essay


The assignment requires a response essay on the article that was published in New York Times. The tile of the article is “Do Drones Undermine Democracy”. The main theme of the article is based on the usage of Drones attack by the USA and the negative impact it creates on the democracy. Most of the countries in the world do not view Drone attacks favorable because they believe it turns out to be counterproductive. These attacks do not assist in resolving the situation, but they create further problems in the affected country. This is the reason why an effective assessment of Drones attack is quite necessary for any organization. Therefore, all issues have relation to this article will be discussed in detail.


In the democratic country like USA, people give a lot of value to the association between the general public and war. Citizens have historically recorded their participation in the military action with the help of their elected representatives. They have always played a major role in giving out their large support for wars and a willingness to share the costs in terms of both human and economic factors. In USA, the Constitution clearly made a division of the president's role as commander in chief in war from Congress's role in declaring war. However, there are some of the links along with division of labor that are now blocked because of the implementation of technology. The step consisted of the risks that were associated with the warfare devices (Allan, 1996, 42).

It has been ten years since the plan of using armed robots, considered as the major component of Hollywood fantasy. Today, the US defense, has more than 7,000 unmanned aerial systems, known as drones. There are around 12,000 drones landed on the ground. US military carried out hundreds of strikes that had both covert and overt operations in six countries. These acts have totally changed the way democracy works in the whole country and has also engaged them in various military assignments. The percentages of the people that are below 18 and serve in the US military are 0.5 percent. There is one interesting fact regarding US defense is that for the last time when Congress declared war was in 1942 against Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania. They categorically stated that they do not buy bonds and pay taxes anymore. During the Second World War, 85 million Americans purchased war bonds that helped the Government in generating $185 billion. In the last decade, US Government stated that they provided tax break to the richest Americans because of their low spending for Defense material (Michael, 1997, 122).

The US Government comprises of a technology that eliminates the last political obstruction regarding war. The strongest attraction of an unmanned mechanism is that they do not need to any human in the mission. However, when the politicians would stay away from the political consequences of the condolence letter, it can create an impact on the military casualties and the voters, particularly ...
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