Responding To Communicable Disease Outbreaks: Key Areas Of Concern

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Responding to Communicable Disease Outbreaks: Key Areas of Concern

Responding to Communicable Disease Outbreaks: Key Areas of Concern

Introduction to Case Scenario

The assignment is based on assessing the key concern in case of an outbreak of communicable diseases in Bangladesh, resulting from a major typhoon. They typhoon has resulted in many population group shifting to other places outside the victimized locality. Another source has reported the traces and probability of an outbreak of diarrhea that is consistent with cholera (, 2004). The cholera virus is transmitted to humans by eating food or drinking water contaminated with the bacterium “Vibrio cholera” from other patients with cholera. It has been assumed for a long time that man is the main repository of cholera, but at present much evidence contends that aquatic environments can serve as reservoirs for bacteria. This assignment would discuss specific responses for cholera that must be implemented by an effective response team. The situation can be more disastrous if corrective measures are not taken within time. The assignment will also look into the agencies' framework that can assist in the mitigation of the epidemic, while we will also discuss the pre-deployment preparations that might be helpful in avoiding such a circumstance in future.


Multiple Areas of Response Specific for Cholera

Cholera is undoubtedly one of the most documented diseases in Bangladesh. However, despite comprehensive literatures, this disease, described by the WHO as “extremely virulent” and representing “a global health threat” is very often misunderstood (Haiti relief toolkit, 2011). A multidisciplinary approach based on prevention, preparedness and response, accompanied by an effective monitoring system, is essential to reduce the severity of outbreaks cholera, like in endemic areas and to decrease mortality. In endemic areas, cholera prevention is essentially measures of health, including preventing the crossing of the food chain with the chain of excrement.

We, as a response team to cholera epidemic in Bangladesh and diarrheal infections, are currently focused on treating those who have suffering symptoms similar to cholera. However, the priority is in fact to go out of the city and look for patients. We will also work to promote health: teaching people how to prevent and how to prevent cholera and prevent their spread, and what they should do when the incidence of such symptoms. There are other organizations working to promote health at the moment and we are trying to exchange information with them, tell them, such as areas from which the patients so that they can go to those communities. If this exchange of information happens, it will also help us to find out the areas that will impact us in it.

To effectively control an outbreak of cholera is essential to implement a multi-sectoral and coordinated. The key sectors to be involved include health care, water supply and sanitation, fisheries, agriculture, and education (McDaniel, 2006). Countries with recurrent epidemics of this disease should have a committee coordinating the fight cholera in the participation of representatives of various sectors and non-governmental organizations and international partners in the ...
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