Respiratory Therapy

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Respiratory Therapy

Respiratory Therapy Experience


The focus of this paper would be on Respiratory Therapy Experience. The discussion would be on the role and responsibilities, specific method used by nursing and respiratory therapy, administration indications precautions therapist and nurse must take in administering oxygen, its medications, outpatient procedures and lastly educational preparation needed to become a respiratory therapist.


Respiratory therapy related to healthcare field in which therapist facilitate patients with cardiopulmonary i.e. heart/lung illness and find difficulty in breathing. Hence, these therapists and therapies assess, treat, and monitor these patients.

Role and Responsibilities of a Respiratory Therapist

Respiratory therapist main role and responsibilities are treating and caring for patients having respiration problem. Beside this, they also facilitate emergency care like External Cardiac Massages, aiding with cardiopulmonary resuscitation and artificial respiration to patients (Wilkinson, Treas, 2010). Their main duties as followed:

Assessment of patient information for evaluating their condition

Arterial Blood Gases Assess

Observing Treatment

Ensuring safety rules

Respiratory Equipment testing and inspection

Education patients regarding their conditions

Stating patients Treatment Procedure

There are certain short term responsibilities of Respiratory Therapist, which are treatment plan, monitoring oxygen equipments, performing breathing exercise with patients and also recognizing response of body variation. Long-term responsibilities comprise of inter-personal communication methods, presentation on health and medical problems, analyzing patient response after therapy a setting up medical equipments (Wilkinson, Treas, 2010).

Methods that nursing and respiratory therapy work together as a team to provide care to clients

Different ways through which nursing and respiratory therapy work together as a team to provide care to clients are; working with effective communication through which efficiency and quality of care increased. Second is working with discipline, and this has been an integral in patient care. For instances, patient requires respiratory care, which provided by therapist, speech therapist transmit ordered study, physical therapist execute their duty and hence ...
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