Resistance To Change

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Resistance to Change

Resistance to Change


A French brand of bottled mineral water is as Perrier in France. It was a well known brand in the market of mineral waters. It was initially found in 1898 by Louis-Eugene Perrier near Vergeze France. The company was flourishing and growing steadily in the market. In late 1980s, Perrier's mineral water experienced sudden shoot up in the demand which increased their revenues and profits to the peaks in the history.

The employees were very happy and satisfied during the high time of the company as they were getting good perks, benefits, pay rise and extra holidays. The happy employees were in a problem in 1990s when Perrier image was fallen down badly due to the benzene found in the bottle of mineral water. The company was a complete collapse at that time. Hence it was by Nestle in after the bankruptcy of Perrier.


As Perrier's employees were getting $32000 as an annual salary for working 35 hours per week. This was comparatively considered as a good remuneration in the market. The employees were not over burdened to work. In fact, the production of Nestle was much higher than production of Perrier. The main problem arises when the relations of management and the workers were not good after the takeover of Perrier by Nestle. The employees could not accept the change that was brought to them by the management of Nestle. Nestle aimed to improve the financial performance of Perrier by increasing the production of the company. This was opposed by a union called CTG and almost all the Perrier employees belong to this union.

Reasons for Resistance to Change

1.Lack of Communication

The major reason of the employee's resistance to change in this scenario was the lack of communication by the management of Nestle. The management should communicate with employees about how increase in the production will impact the performance of Perrier. They should share their plans and strategies with their employees because any change brought by the management must be supported by their employees in order to make the change process successful. Employees must be informed and prepared for the change that has to be faced by them. If employees are not aware of what changes are coming their way, they will definitely resist and will not accept the change whole heartedly.

2.Excessive Changes

The employees believed that there were excessive changes made by the management, which were ...
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