Resiliency In Children Dealing With Divorce

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Resiliency in Children Dealing with Divorce

Resiliency in Children Dealing with Divorce


Children are very sensitive and they do not have the knowledge of how does it feel to live without one of their parent. It is very stressful and traumatic for the children to live in such situations when they are too close to their dad or mum. The effects of divorce can affect the child's future emotionally, academically and cause behavioral problems (Laumann-Billings, 2000).


The causes of divorce and its effects on children is one of the biggest dilemmas faced by the population of any country. The resiliency in children is a very strong factor found in very few children who can sustain the impact of their parents divorce. Most of the children have to face emotional factors, stressful events and protective factors. . It is essential by the divorced parents that they must work for the betterment of their children together (Laumann-Billings, 2000).

Stress over Children

Children are very sensitive and are born to be cared until they are mature enough to earn for their own living. The stress of divorce of their parents can be very hurting for them. Living without a complete family can bring second thoughts in their mind. This may lead to externalizing disorders for them and may damage their health with too much stress bared by them (Amato, 2000).

The survey by the Child Behavior Checklist figured out that 20-25 % of children living with divorced parents while there is only 10 % of children who are living which their parents together and they exhibit severe emotional and behavioral problems. Children, who are very close to their parents, do not want their parents to separate because the closeness with the parents can psychologically harm the child to suffer from disorders (Emery, 2013).

Resilience in Children

Children from families which face high tendency of complications in their life oftentimes help the divorce of their parents as it creates an opportunity for the children to live a better life. They might sometimes feel more secure in doing things which they could not have done under the supervision of both of their parents. Though, it is very difficult for a child to bare the separation of his/her parents (Laumann-Billings, 2000).

Children find it difficult in the beginning but then they find solutions to live in the current situation. They even gain their career education by building up their ability to create close relationships. The protection ...