Residential Accommodations Causing Trauma

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Residential Accommodations Causing Trauma

Residential Accommodations Causing Trauma


Trauma is the response of an individual emotionally because of terrible happenings like natural calamities, accidents, family loss due to these happenings, or other disasters. These events cause sudden shocks and denials typically. However, there are also long-term reactions. The individual meets irregular emotions, flashbacks, headaches or nausea. Even the person suffers from mental disorders, starts substance abuse, or sometimes gets employed and leads a successful family life, after leaving from the residential accommodations. The residential accommodations are the places where people are provided with the necessary facilities of life independently. The worst scenario of trauma's outcome comes to be the loss of will to live life. Such persons need psychological help for curing their mental issues (

Literature Reviews

This paper is based on the health conditions of people who shift from care to adults. The people, who leave the care centers and then enter into the real life, vary in their living standards. The author has presented the life style of the people, considering the difficulties that they face physically, mentally, including the disabilities, together with the problems in emotions or behaviors. The accommodation residences and other career centers can affect the extent of such difficulties. The well-being of the people and the post-care approach can cause betterment to them. However, in certain cases, people get even bas impacts after leaving such care centers. The possibility of adverse impacts is greatly reduced in the accommodation centers by imposing priority to health and safety of people, especially to the children and young people, according to the Leaving Care Act 2000. This act induced importance on the matter of leaving of the looked after children from the care centers to the life of adulthood. Such children should be provided with their basic needs of life, so they do not get diverted towards any bad company or adoption. They are aimed to start their life in a happy way. There should not be impacts of their loneliness in their mind as they had survived without their family (Dixon, J. 2008).

The people who leave such home care may be children, young or adults. Among these, the young ones are at the most chances of getting vulnerabilities and distractions in the society. The reason behind this is their alone status with no family mate. They start doing what they are told or they consider it appropriate for them. A number of people move towards substance abuse. This activity helps them in reducing their pain of alone feeling. However, once they get addicted to it, it becomes the worst enemy of them even in such a little age of life. Loneliness is not the only problem that they encounter. They have to face difficulties in every phase of life. They meet issues in getting access to education. If they are educated, then they cannot get employment accordingly. With these basic necessities, they are even worried about the living style of their own. They do not have a house for ...