Research Table.

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Research Table

Research Table

I. Introduction

A. Importance of X and Y:

X and Y are the two most important factors affecting the stimulus of serial killing attitudes among individuals. Throughout this research we have tried to find out the linkage between X and Y, to determine the major causes of this particular attitudes, its resulting behaviors and to help develop an environment that resists such stimulus to grow.

B. Definition of X and Y:

Past studies and the articles under consideration mostly point out two major factors that result into causing the homicidal behavior. These factors are psychological aspects and disturbed family background that leads to staying in foster care. We name the first factor, the psychological aspects as X. The other factor that is disturbed family background is named as Y.

C. Relationship of X and Y:

The studies that we are going to review have analyzed the serial killing attitudes using different approaches. Geographical Profiling, Decision Support System, Motives, Comparison of single and serial killers, Distinction between antisocial personality disorder and psychopaths, Demographics of victims, the White trash phenomenon and a criticism over generalities profiling are our studied approaches and findings.

II. Serial Killing and the Considered Variables

A. Psychological Aspects

The psychological aspects include abnormal kinds of satisfaction that a homicide derives from abusive attitude. This satisfaction may be either of sexual nature or revenge or both. Other abusive activities such as indulging into drugs, alcoholism and minor crimes are also considered in the psychological aspects.

B. Disturbed Family Background

A disturbed background at home includes split family, abusive parent or guardian, the circumstances that lead to staying at care. A child when goes through disturbed phases within family it is a big stimulus for that child to turn into a homicide. The children who live in foster care have a potency to engage into abusive activities in ...
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