Research/ Statistics

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Research/ Statistics

Research/ Statistics

Nursing - Qualitative Overview

What is qualitative research?

In qualitative research is used the methods regarding the quality. Those methods are opposed to the quantity, and explain the why and how of the subject rather than what, when, where.

How does qualitative research differ from quantitative research?

Qualitative research differs from quantitative research because both of them are used for different forms of results. Qualitative research is a new research method, and many people think that this method is less useful than quantitative research, but the most important difference is the purpose of the research.

Why use qualitative research? For what kind of questions?

We use qualitative research because it can provide important tools and answers for understanding different subjects or phenomenon.

The questions must have meaning and to start from a particular theoretical perspective. The questions are placed with a specific technique in interviews to improve the research data.

In considering quantitative and qualitative approaches…what is the major paradigm in the U.S.? Why is it more prevalent? Within this paradigm how is qualitative research viewed?

According to Bryman (1988) qualitative and quantitative approaches should be combined. Quantitative approaches are considered more scientific and objective. Qualitative approaches are much more associated with critical and interpretative paradigms. There are three major research paradigms which include the following:

1. First is the quantitative research which entails the collection of quantitative data.

2. Another is the qualitative research which refers to the collection of qualitative data.

3. Moreover, mixed research relies on mixture of quantitative and qualitative methods or paradigm characteristics.

In the 20th century the quantitative paradigm was the most important. As after 1980 the qualitative paradigm was added as an alternative to the quantitative paradigm label as an opposite of quantitative research.

Mixed research was developed in 1950's and become the third paradigm.

In looking at research questions how can you tell from the question itself, what is quantitative versus qualitative

Quantitative research questions are closed ended or open ended.

Qualitative research questions incorporate the phenomenon of interest and s used to guide the course of the research.

Compare and contrast reliability and validity in quantitative and qualitative research. Be specific as to how these concepts are determined.

Reliability and validity are terms commonly used when evaluating psychometric tests. Reliability is a measure of internal consistency test, while validity determines whether the test measures the purpose for which it was created.

Moreover, reliability is the degree to which we determine whether we are reliably tested the subject. Reliability can be determined by comparing the results of multiple tests or research. If the results are significantly different, reliability, dependability research is low. Otherwise, the results are similar for the high reliability. If we need to increase the reliability of the test, we should increase the number of items in our test.

Besides it, validity and reliability shows that a lot depends on who created the test and whether it has the ability to reveal what has really tested and if it is tested reliably. It is therefore possible that the inspected object will have different output values, depending on which ...