Research Proposal For A Program Evaluation

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Research proposal for a program evaluation

Research proposal for a program evaluation


The outward bound programs tend to bring positive change in the lives of many with respect to their self concept. The primary research provided in the selected journal article takes responses from different people to analyze the significance and importance of participating in outward bound programs in Australia. The measures used by the researcher in the selected study are the use of primary research that is done through questionnaire. The SDQs were disseminated to the respondents so that they can fill in their choices and it was a part of the research study. After the SDQ phase, the study was entered into the LOC that involved responses in different different periods. The measures were sufficient enough to identify the aptitude and intention of the respondents towards the significance of outward bound program. The findings and results show that outward bounding program brings a positive change in the lives of the people with respect to their self concept. It helps in the identification of self assessment ideas, tools and instruments to be used in the evaluation of self concept.


The outward bound programs have gained significant importance in the field of mental health counseling in the recent decade. There are several researches and studies regarding the significance and importance of outward bound programs which are enough for the determination of the usefulness and benefits of the outward bound programs in the area of mental and psychological health counseling of the people. However, consistent evaluation of the methods used to identify the importance and significance of outward bound programs is also vital for the understanding of mental health counseling and its associated concepts. One of the prominent journal article named Multidimensional self-concepts; the effect of participation in an Outward Bound program also stresses the importance and significance of using and participating in the outward bound program with respect to the varying self concepts of the people involved in such programs. It has been observed that the progression and development of the self concepts of the people is an important tool for attaining an objective in their lives. It is a positive aspect involved in the lives of many which lead towards the transformation of lives as well as ensuring the positive changes in the lives of the people. A continuing monitoring system of self evaluation is considered to be significant for the enhancement of one's self concept. The participation in the outward bound programs is regarded as a positive tool to be used in this case. This paper evaluates the design used in the journal article selected for the study in a more scientific manner. It analyzes the importance and significance of participating in an outward bound program depending upon the findings obtained through the selected journal article.

Research aims & objectives

The aim of the research is to understand the significance of outward bound program with aspect to its participants as described in the selected journal ...
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