Research Project On Publically Traded Corporation - Dell Company

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Research Project On Publically Traded Corporation - Dell Company

Research Project On Publically Traded Corporation - Dell Company


In today's fast pace of competition, the overall success of the company depends upon many factors. The vision and mission of the company assist the company is devising the policies that have ultimate impact upon the success of the company. The way the company manages its various stake holders also have direct and significant impact upon the business performance of the company. The potential, effective and efficient performance of the company's business has also the direct and significant impact upon the competitive position of the company in the market and in the industry. The company's internal strength is determined by the way the company uses its resources and opportunity and the way it implements its strategies and decisions in an appropriate manner. The best utilization of the resources and strategies allow the company to have the strength to deal with the threats that may occur to the company from external market. The company, in order to be competitive and profitable among the competitors in the industry use strategies of different types and of different levels to enhance their business performance. The efficient and effective business performance of the company assists the company to highest level of market shares and this increases the financial worth of the market securities as well.

There are various publically traded corporations that are operating in United States. The Dell Company is one of them. Dell has been operating in the IT industry since 1984. The company due to its effective and efficient strategies and policies has achieved the heights of success among the competitors in the industry. The following section aims at discussing the strategies and strengths of the Dell. It will also be discussed that to what extent there is the impact of competition upon the Dell and what are the threats in the industry that are confronted to Dell.


Impact of Dell's financial performance upon the Securities and Exchange

The financial performance of the company impacts the market standing as well as the marker worth of the company and its shares. The Dell is among the IT based companies that are generating highest level of profit margins. The recent change in the world's economic situation has given many challenges to the Dell. The company's market share worth has also affect in the current year. The latest financial report of the Dell's third quarter financials has shown that the financial performance of the company has decreased from the last year. The results have highlighted that the Dell's revenue for the third quarter has decreased from eleven percent as compared to the third quarter financial results of the year 2011. The income of the company has also reduced as compared to the last year and this has resulted in the decrease in earnings per share of the quarter. The decrease in the earnings per share significantly impacts the value of the company in securities and exchange. In the year 2012, the financial performance ...
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