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Travelling and Tourism in Thailand

Executive Summary

In the past few decades, Thailand has made itself stand amongst the most preferred tourist destinations on earth. Tourism industry plays a vital role in the country's economic development, besides providing hundreds and thousands of local employment opportunities. Despite the increasing tourism business, Thailand has been facing problems with respects to tourism management. There is a strong need to identify the industry's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats so that the government regulates and promotes the industry in a meaningful and fruitful manner. This report is made to address the various tourism issues of the Thailand's tourism industry. The report has been written from the point of view of a governmental consultant. The report first presents a detailed overview of the Thailand's tourism industry, its evolution over time, and significant developments. Following this, the report gives an insight of the developmental theories as they relate to tourism in Thailand. An in-depth SWOT analysis is followed to spot the areas of problems and improvements. Finally, the report gives recommendations and conclusion regarding where and how the Thai tourist industry should direct itself.

Travelling and Tourism in Thailand


This paper will focus on travel and tourism in Thailand, and help us in finding better opportunities for Thailand tourism development. Thailand is nestled between the Asian countries of Laos and Burma. The city of Bangkok and many beautiful small ports of call are located along the Gulf of Thailand. Recovering from the Asian financial crisis of 1997-1998, tourism is booming, and the nation has topped the Southeast Asian growth scores for year 2005 through 2006 (Glaesser 2003, p. 23). Textiles and garments remain Thailand's largest industry and second-largest source exports, after electronics. Buddhism is the predominant religion. Thailand is governed by a constitutional monarchy ruled by King Bhumibol Adulyadej.


Which things are making Thailand tourism industry so popular?

What are the real factors behind the success of the tourism industry in Thailand?


Quantitative data have been collected in the project for which primary data has been gathered after analyzing the economic and demographic indicators. Therefore, the material that has been analyzed is with regards to the success of the tourism industry in Thailand. However, during this, it has been ensured that the ethical implications have been taken care of. Ethics is a moral philosophy that involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and unethical behaviour.

Evolution of Tourism in Thailand

The beginning of mass tourism in Thailand can be attributed to the 1960s when the country played the role of logistics for the American soldiers who fought in Vietnam. There are large military bases, as well as places for rest and recreation for U.S. military personnel on leave. Since the late 1960s in, the mass construction of three star level hotels, bars, massage parlours and related tourism infrastructure took place in southern Thailand (Croissant 2010 195). At the same time, numerous travel agencies who arrange tours to main attractions began to open up (Chaiprasit et al 2011 ...
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