Research Project

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Business Research Project



Distribution Network5


Lower Export levels5

Governmental restrictions5


Large market6

Export potential6



Demand Slowdown6


Management Problems7

Labor Relation Issues8

Research Questions8

Reports Objectives9

Study Scope10

Data and Research Methodology10

Advantages and disadvantages11


Survey Plan12


Business Research Project


A global perspective is a matter of business survival. Strategic management is a process of identifying business objectives, policies development and specifies plans to achieve objectives. Coca Cola is a leading non-alcoholic manufacturer and distributor in the world. Company owns more than 400 brands including beverages, diet, water, juices, tea, snacks, coffee, energy drinks and coffee (Mudge & Johnson, 2004). Company operates their operation 46 states of United States and around 200 countries. Strong distribution network help leading beverage company to increase their sales. There are around 70,000 outlets and more than 8000 distributors of Coca-cola all around the world that make sure each customer will access to company product.

SWOT Analysis

SWOT analysis of Coca-cola will help us to find more in-depth analysis on which company face issues in the management process.


Distribution Network

Coca-cola has already strong brand in customer mind. People from all around the world very familiar with Coca-cola, Sprite, Fanta, Maaza and Limca add up brand name as whole. It was estimated that Coca-cola enjoy around $75 billion worth for its brand.


Lower Export levels

Although company brand has produced all around the world, but their export level is very low. In Asian countries, major controversy concerning pesticides and other harmful chemical inclusion in bottled product (Aaker, 2009).

Governmental restrictions

Company invests very limited amount due to governmental restriction in different countries and red-tapism'. Company made little investment in technological advancement and achieving economies of scale.


Large market

There is a huge domestic market for other products of Coca-cola other than soft drinks. Company claim that they have captured 47% market share in global market of soft drink (Jones, 2008). Other products of a company just account 16% share which is a need to be an increase by expanding local market first and then expand it globally.

Export potential

New products of a company that manufactured only in the local market have to export in foreign market. Johnson & Peppas, (2003) suggest that company need to come up with such strategies that eliminate apprehension from the mind of people towards products of coke produced in US so there will considerable opportunity for a company to export goods.



Direct competitor of Coca-cola is Pepsi which always compete in advertising and differentiation. Pepsi also has more diversified selling food and beverages products as compared to Coca-cola. There are also many small competitors which are engaged in creating severe competition for Coca-cola.

Demand Slowdown

Revenue of carbonated drinks has been decreasing due to their association of sugar to obesity and also creates heart diseases problems. Since consumer mind has gradually changed and they become health conscious so started noncarbonated drinks such as tea, juices and bottled drink.


Management Problems

There are the following issues of strategic management of domestic as well as global operation face by Coca-Cola Company.




Labor relations

Lay off workers

Labor seeking to change entire political process beside than collective bargaining


Relatively homogenous

Quite ...
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