Research Project

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Research Project on Business Management

Role of Social Media in Achieving the Organisational Goals and Objectives


Research project outline specifications1

Factors to consider in the research project selection2

Critical review of key references3

Research project specifications3

Aims and objectives3

Rationale for selection4

Research question4


Literature review4



Plan for the research project6

Social media survey8

Justification of the evaluation technique used14


Evaluation and interpretation of the research outcomes15

Conclusion of the research outcomes17

Recommendations for further research17


Research Project on Business Management

Role of Social Media in Achieving the Organisational Goals and Objectives


Social media is a field that has been increasingly progressing in the modern world. Apart from begin used for the personal purposes, the social media tools are now being increasingly used for carrying out the business purposes. This research project aims to evaluate the role of social media in achieving organisational goals and objectives. For doing so, this research uses the data gathered from the reliable secondary sources and the social media survey conducted to respond to the research question proposed in the beginning. The research project details out the findings using qualitative and quantitative approaches to prove the hypothesis. A detail of the resources used, aims and objectives of the research project and the limitations of the research are highlighted throughout the research project. The research project concludes by putting forth some recommendations for the further research regarding the concerned research topic.

Research project outline specifications

The outline specifications for the research project incorporate following:

Aims and objectives: This section will identify the aims and objectives behind the research project. This includes the reason for carrying out the research project.

Rationale for selection: In this part, the researcher will describe the reason for the selection of particular research project. What compelled the researcher to carry out the research project on the chosen topic?

Literature review: This section will include the data from previously done researches and studies. This literature review will back the research project conducted.

Hypothesis or research question: the hypothesis or research question will set the basis for research project to be conducted. The research project will aim to support that hypothesis or answer the research question(s).

Methodology for data collection and analysis: This section will describe the methodology used for collecting and analysing the data for the research project.

Possible outcomes: This section entails the probable results of the research project conducted.

Factors to consider in the research project selection

In selecting and conducting a research project various factors needs to be considered (Mutch, 2007, pp.37-38). The factors that will be considered in the research project selection are:

Scope of the topic: what is the extent and limit of the topic chosen and the research project?

Time: what will be the time needed to carry out the research? Is sufficient time available to carry out the research project?

Resources: what resources will be required to conduct the research project? Are the resources accessible? Are sufficient resources available?

Skills: what skills will be required to gather and analyse the data?

Former knowledge: does the researcher have knowledge related to the literature, background and trends of the research topic?

Motivation and interest: Is there sufficient intrinsic and extrinsic ...
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