Research Project

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Research Project


Though, the construction industry of the Britain is considered as the safest in Europe, about one-third of all work related accidents happen in construction sector and the workers are six times more probably to be killed during their work in comparison to the workers in other sectors. A same type of situation subsists for the accidents that are non-fatal. Even though, former researches in this regard has led to a sound comprehension of the pattern and extent of accidents in this sector, there has been just few objective analysis of the absolute scope of causal managerial site, and other related individual factors. This research project aims to gather detailed and rich information on the wide-ranging factors that are included in a large sample of construction casualties, and to describe the procedures of accident causation by using the gathered information, inclusive of contributions of project, management, site, and other individual factors of accidents in construction industry.

Research Project


This research project seeks to provide an outline of the research that will be undertaken under this project. First of all, the research problem will be elucidated, and then such problem will be placed within the context of a case. Secondly, the aim and rationale of research conduction will be stated. Thirdly, a background study of the topic will be included. The data will be gathered through research methodology will be from wide variety of sources and researches. Fourthly, the similarities and contradictions in all the gathered information will be identified in the paper. Finally, by using the accident causal model, CDM regulation within the case's context will be evaluated.

Research Problem

The main problem of the research is the factors that led to fatal accidents on a huge project of construction due to the violation of some specific clauses of the CDM regulations.

Background of the Study

The CDM regulations can be a crucial factor for improving safety performance on construction sites. The full form of CDM is “The Construction (Design and Management)”, which is also known as the CDM 2007. This was previously covered by the Construction Regulations 1996, which are currently retracted by CDM 2007. Such CDM regulations define legalised duties for the protected and safe operations on the construction sites of UK. The regulations consign particular duties on designers, contractors, and clients in order to plan their approach to safety and health. They pertain throughout a construction project's life, from its commencement to its succeeding final removal and demolition. It was initiated by the Construction Division of the Health and Safety Construction for assisting in several ways, such as:

Improving management and planning of projects from the beginning.

Assigning the accurate people for accurate jobs at the accurate timings for risk management on sites.

Targeting efforts where it may perform best by means of safety and health.

Discouraging redundant bureaucracy.

The CDM regulations are categorised into five different parts:

Part 1 deals with affairs of application and interpretation of the regulations.

Part 2 deals with the management duties of the duty holders that ...
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