Research Project

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Research Project

Research Project


The research project is carried out in order to have the in depth analysis of any area, field or any topic. The research project has a specific purpose and the research objective. Based on the research objective, a research plan is developed and implemented in order to achieve the objectives of the research and to find out the results of the studied. Like any other plan, the research project also requires a proper plan and time frame. There are various aspects and elements that are involved in a research project plans and procedures.

When it is decided to undertake a research project, there is an absolute and proper research objective. In order to develop a research report, a proper research project outline specifications is designed in accordance to which the research report is formulated. The research project outline specifications also allow implementing the proper research format. There are various aspects of research project. The topic of the research project that is selected for the development of research project outline and specification is “The workplace surveillance has significant and positive impact upon the effective workplace management”. The following section aims at discussing different tasks that will explore in more detail about the aspects of the research project.


Task One

a) Five possible research project outline specifications

There research project specifications can be outlined in various manners. The organizations can develop a number of research project outlines for a single project. The research planners in many organizations develop a number of plans and then select the most effective plan that can support the studies of the researchers. The research project outline specifications are required to be an efficient and effective because this has direct impact upon the authentic as well as accurate results of the research. Following are the five possible research project outline specifications.

1st research project outline specifications



Analysis and Discussion

Conclusions and Recommendations


2nd research project out line specifications

Title and purpose


Research questions

Research methodology

Analysis and discussion

Conclusions & Recommendations


3rd research project out line specifications


Statement of purpose

Research question

Research specification and use of resources

Research design

Research methodology

The time frame and financial resources allocation

Limitation in the research project

Analysis and discussion

Conclusions and Recommendations

The use of research by various authorities

4th research project out line specifications

Introduction to the topic

The statement of the purpose

List of possible sources

Thesis statement

Research methodology

Gathering of data

Analysis and evaluation of gathered data

The conclusion and recommendation

5th research project out line specifications


Research question and thesis statement

Research methodology

The data collection

Analysis of data

Conclusion and recommendation

b) Factors that contribute to the process of research project selection

The process of selecting a proper research project depends upon many factors. In order to select an effective and efficient research project plans and specification, it is required to analyze the effectiveness of the aspects of the research outline. The factors that contribute to the process of research project selection involves the clear research objective, the clear research design and research methodology, the proper allocation of resources for undertaking the research activity, the appropriate research questions, and the proper research analysis tools.

For the selected project topic, “The workplace surveillance has ...
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