Research Paper Outline

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Research Paper Outline

Research Paper Outline

Ethical Behavior in the Workplace


Work ethics is defined as the acceptability or the unacceptability for the behavior within an organization, at the time and within the specified cultural environment. It is linked to sustainability through the concern for others and subsequent considerations about how to organize relationships to the other. Business ethics is the attempt to subdue criticism of these institutions ubiquitous, whose owners, managers or governing bodies wield immense power of dubious legitimacy (Wimbush & Shepard, 1994). In this paper the major emphasis is going to be placed on the ethical and legal issues and concerns related to the work and workplace and it led to impact on the factors associated with it. Mentioned below are the major objectives that were the major focus of this study:

There is no doubt about the fact that reducing workforce is a common technique that quickly lowers the expenses of an employer.

This research has pointed out some of the important questions that relates to the workplace behavior and its ethical consideration, highlighting the common issues in organizations relating to ethical decision making.

Behaving ethically is essential and beneficial for companies; however, it is costly as well. There are different benefits as well as costs associated with behaving ethically, but these costs and benefits vary from business to business, depending on their practices.

Ethics and values are essential in order to develop the ethos of public sector and to deliver the influential services to the humanity. The norms and codes of conduct created formally are effective in encouraging ethical behavior, however, they only go some way towards engendering compliance, the greater influential are the prevalent norms and values within a person

Thesis statement

The paper aims at providing the justification for the research study that will examine closely about the responses and perceptions regarding the ethical issues faced by the workers in an organization.

Discussion and Analysis

Ethical behavior is simply distinguishes between right and wrong, and choosing the right thing to do. However, knowing 'what is right' is not that easy, one must possess the wisdom and courage to identify, acknowledge and differentiate the right from wrong. Thus, any kind of action with an organization has the impact on each and every member or employee with the organizations with those individuals who are associated in doing business with the organization (Coventry, 2006). Following the identification of some major ...
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