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Counseling is consistent it never changes, either you can counsel or you can't. Once you've learned the necessities of counseling, you can counsel anyone. A counselor should be able to be given any particular case and have the knowledge to apply a variety of theories that would help the client over come their problem.

In today's world, there is an increase in the use of the process of Group Counseling in all sectors of the society which include schools, colleges, community mental health clinics and other human service agencies(Ormont, 1992).

Group Counseling mainly involves a small group of members who come together forming their own specific goals, share their problems, provide empathy and support to the others and also in turn try and change their self defeating behaviors. The group members are also assisted in developing their existing skills in dealing with interpersonal problems.


The role of the group counselor involves facilitating interaction among the members, help them learn from one another, assist them in establishing personal goals and also provide continuous empathy and support to the members and also to check if the members have carried their learning experience from the group and practiced it in the outside world.

Ethical issues involved in group Counseling are:

Informed consent: The leader has to demonstrate to all the members honesty and respect and also provide information about the group in the initial session. The information includes a clear statement regarding the purpose of the group, ground rules, the group leader's introduction, information concerning fees, issue of confidentiality, rights and responsibilities of group members etc(Rutan, 2007).

It also involves stressing on the responsibilities of the group members which are regularity, punctuality, being willing to openly talk about oneself, providing feedback to others, maintaining confidentiality.

While a member wants to0 leave a group, he should provide a valid reason to the group leader for opting out and not just leave without prior notice and explanation.

Confidentiality is one of the key norms of behavior in a group. It should be clearly explained in the initial session by the group leader to all the members and also the situation when confidentiality can likely be broken in certain cases.

Characteristics of a Group leader

Some personal characteristics are very essential for the group leader as in order to promote growth in the member's lives, the leaders themselves should live growth oriented lives. They are:

Presence: Being emotionally present means able to share the joy and pain that others experience. This helps in being empathizing and compassionate to the group members.

Personal power: It involves the group leader to be confident about themselves and facilitate the member's towards empowerment(Gladding, 2003).

Courage: The group leader must be able to openly accept his faults, confronting others.

Willingness to confront oneself: The group leader should be willing to question himself, about his attitude, feelings, biases etc.

Sincerity and Authenticity

Sense of Identity

Inventiveness and Creativity: They should be open to new experiences, share new ideas and not stick to traditional ritualistic methods.

Stages in the Development of the group:

Formation of ...
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