Research Paper

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Research Paper

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Literature Review3

Theories on Changing Attitudes towards Marriage4






This study intends to examine the over view of college students towards the marriage, having children and pursuing the career with them simultaneously. I conducted the survey to assess the view points of people about their ideal marriage in comparison to that of their parents' relationship model. The main reason behind carrying out this research is to examine the changing individual attitudes towards the marriage, relationships without marriage, having and rearing children. I targeted the women of Berkeley university of California. According to Sassler and Schoen, there is an increasing evidence of family attitudes and behavior of an individual and their preferences in spending their lives. Females are found to have positive as well as negative attitudes towards the marriage due to their family reasons or their perceptions about the married lives. Females with a positive attitude get into the Wed lock more quickly than the females with negative attitudes towards cohabiting (1999).

The world is changing rapidly, and it is transforming everything along with it. The one of the most affecting thing with this revolution is the way people think about the marriage. Cherlin indicated that the shift in attitudes and the traditional marriage system has been observed since the last century and people are involving more in premarital sex and same sex relationships due to several reasons (2004). This paper aims at highlighting the reasons of changing attitudes towards the marriage and late marriages and the preference of non marital relationships among the marriages. This study is purposely administered to draw the attention of people on the new and changing perspective of life and the interest of people towards the marital status.

Literature Review

The changing perspectives of people have been observed since the last decade about the marriage due to numerous reasons, may it be career preference over the marriage, perception about loss of freedom after marriages, family influences on their perceptions and their views on not committing with the single person. According to Hollerman, many people are living together without marriage and have entered into the illicit relationships due to not mentally prepared to enter into the marriage or some people opine that they do not restrict themselves to only one person throughout their life (2005). Some people are not interested in homosexual and bisexual relationships. Such couples are less interested in getting into the marriage with the straight people, and they are found to living openly with illegal relationships in our society.

There was a time when marriage used to be the important element of everyone's life, but now it feels that the concept of marriage will sooner or later happen to obsolete. This change has also been observed due to the increased focus on the career orientation and now people do not bother to get married as according to them they have enjoyed their lives and achieved whatever they wanted in life. However, if they think in getting into the matrimony, they prefer it after the age of 30 ...
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