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Differential Equation

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Research Paper 1


1.1 Background2

1.2 Purpose of the Study4

1.4 Statement of the Problem4

1.5 Research Questions5

1.6 Significance of the Problem5

1.7 Literature Review6

1.7.1 Differential Equations8

1.7.2 Basics of Math Anxiety9

1.7.3 Early Motivational Theories, Behaviorism10

1.7. 4 Self-Determination Theory12

1.7.5 Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation13

1.7. 6 Motivation in Differential equation university students15

1.7.7 Social Contexts and Differential equations16


3.1 Research Questions19

3.2 Research Design19

3.3 Data Collection19

3.4 Data Collection Tools20

3.4.1 Learning Climate Questionnaire20


4.1 Summary of Findings22


5.1 Implications for Educational Change in Differential equations25

5.2 Recommendations for Further Study26




Teachers incorporate writing in Differential Equation class's class to help students reflect on their learning and deepen student understanding of important concepts. By explaining and providing examples of those concepts in writing, students have a chance to think about important connections to real-life applications of the Differential Equation classes they are learning. Teachers use the writing assignments to evaluate student proficiency in explaining and using those concepts as well as to make each student's knowledge and attitude toward differential equations visible. The ability to describe steps and procedures taken in Differential Equation classes facilitates better understanding of differential equations and gives practice in student writing. Teachers and administrators are interested in this issue, since it's important to develop students into lifelong learners who observe the connections between different curriculum areas and are able to communicate those observations effectively.

The level of motivation brought by the students to classroom would be transformed by the activities going on and their experiences in the classroom. There is sadly no any single standard technique to motivate students to learn in classroom. The motivation of students to learn and work in the classroom is influenced by a number of factors. These factors include; persistence and patience, self-esteem and self-confidence, general desire of achievement, interest in the subject matter, and the perception of its usefulness. Every student in the classroom is, of course, not motivated by similar wants, desires, needs, or values. Some aspects of teaching in classroom have been identified by the researchers, which tend to enhance the self motivation of students. In addition, studies carried out in the pertinent field reveal that effective daily teaching practices may be more effective in countering students' lack of interest and motivation compared to the special endeavors for directly attacking motivation. Majority of the students give a positive response to a well-organized course delivered by a keen and energetic teacher, having an indisputable interest in students and things learned by them. For this reason, the activities undertaken by them for promoting and fostering learning would additionally enhance the self-motivation of students.

1.1 Background

Education in the United States is currently facing great challenges as reflected in low student test scores and high dropout rates as well as extreme violence and at-risk youth. Hardre and Reeve (2003) found that students who are motivated in an academic environment have less chance of dropping out of university. One area of education that appears to need more research is motivation in university students. The literature indicates that the level of engagement for students ...
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