Research On Anabolic Steroids

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Research on Anabolic Steroids


In the societies like US and UK, the rate of anabolic steroids consumption is increasing at a noticeable pace. Researchers have shown the evidences of side-effects on cardiac system, liver, kidney and psychology. Earlier, it was thought that steroids is something affordable for elite athletes but the researches have proven this wrong and explored the participation of young adolescents and body builders. The latter group of people are increasingly indulging themselves in improvising their self-esteem which includes the way they look and appear in public. In US, it has been banned after research on its negative implications. Yet, in UK it is still allowed as in category C for personal consumption. Somehow the illegal trafficking is enabling the users have an easy access to the steroids. The society is not safe even after legislation so active groups of the society like schools and NGOs have to come forward and join the cause of helping the ignorant.


The whole has focused on exploring the side-effects of anabolic steroids when used in major and unnecessary purpose. The use has increased over the span of time which is more common and still allowed in UK on legal ground as far as dedicated for personal use. By now we know that anabolic-androgenic steroids and testosterone have the same kind of effects in the body. The wishful increase in the size of the skeleton has blinded the users for its prevailing side effects on the human body. The use of steroids dated back when Nazi prisoners needed treatment form the trauma. It was indeed the right choice of the doctors in the given context to help the prisoners revive back. Yet, the athletes and other body builders have made it their habit of utilizing steroids to enhance their body mass. In case of woman with extreme chronic scenarios, like mentioned in the report, they needed steroids in controlled and measured quantity to help them revive from the shocks of assault and rape. Although in those cases, counseling could have been a better option to try on them. Despite of its open and well known implications people have an access to this deadly tool. Olympics took the initiative and banned the players who had used steroids to accelerate their performance. The use has contributed in an increase in depression among the users.

There are subjective reports available which aim to explore the relationship of depression and suicide among the teenagers who may have started using steroids secretly to improve their body show. A review has elaborated that these steroids have the potential to relieve and create depression in a user. On the other hand, the termination of its dosage can result in severe depression. The most detectable factor that can witness the presence of steroids is performing the test on urine. It requires proper interpretation of the result because many other treatments of the diseases. Confusion can occur while investigating, so it has to undergo meticulously by trained ...
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