Research Methods For Business

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Research Methods for Business



Nature of Business and Management Research2

Sources of Data for the Research3

Research Design6

Literature Review7

Various Forms of Sampling8

Qualitative and Quantitative Data9

Reflective Report10


Research Methods for Business


One of the prevailing descriptions for gaining an understanding on organizations is reading. Successful managers use the art of reading situations and incidents to manage and organize their responsibilities effectively. In this process the manager discover that how to get a handle on the problem therefore this is termed as an intuitive process and this takes place at a sub-conscious level. There is no magical power or mystique linked with this talent. It is merely the fact that skilled managers and leaders themselves develop this ability to read certain situations and this ability then allows them to diagnose and give a solution to the managerial issues.

Decision making in organizations have been driven by research for quite some time now. So business research is a systematic investigation that gives information that is of help in making managerial decisions. In more specific terms business research is a process to plan, acquire, analyze and disseminate relevant insights, information and data to the decision makers of the organization for appropriate actions.

For example a manager of a restaurant is facing turnover problem with the waiter's pool and some loyal customers has made the remark that the friendly environment that once was there in the restaurant is no longer present. How will the problem be solved and does this problem qualify for a research to be done on it.

Decision makers are present in every organization whether it is public agencies, non-profit organizations, or simply business organizations. Irrespective of what resources these decisions makers have or where they are found, all of them are required to make business decisions and for the decisions to be effective it is necessary for them to rely on information. Managers have access to all kinds of information which may or may not be derived from a particular research (Anonymous, n.d, pp. 5-7).


Nature of Business and Management Research

The current research was done on the Usage of Phone and the total money that is spent on the usage. Management and business research has a great deal of similarities between them. The only differences are trivial and relate to topics such as emphasis, setting and style. So management research may focus on the consequences and nature of managerial actions and covers any type of organization private or public. As compared to that business research is more likely to focus on let's say determinants of performance within an organization with an emphasis on public sector organizations. In case of our research the data may be helpful in rolling out new mobile models according to the usage and based on the price that people bought or even new deals and packages.

There are few chief features of a business and management researches that have influenced the structure are also important to be described here. The first is the appropriate use of quantitative or qualitative ...
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