Research Methods

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Business Research Method

Business Research Method


The market research means the systematic collection, display, and analysis of data on various aspects of business. Business research is a feature that connects marketers through information to markets, customers, competitors, with all the elements of the environment of business. Market research related to decision-making in all aspects of business. They reduce the level of uncertainty and concern all elements of the marketing mix and the environment to those of its components, which affect the business of a particular product in a particular market.

From the point of view of the object of study provides a comprehensive market research study. Therefore, it is very difficult to separate from each other such areas as market research, customer, and competitor (White, 2010). Unthinkable without market competition, consumers form their behavior in a particular market environment.

In this paper, in order to facilitate consideration of issues of market research with a certain measure of conditionality identified the following business research facilities: the external business environment, market, customers and competitors. However, clearly, conducting customer surveys, we study not only their buying behavior, but the opinions and estimates of the state of the market, the level of competitiveness of products, valued certain environmental factors, i.e., can simultaneously conduct market research on all the selected areas.

All business researches are carried out in two sections: assessment of various business options for a given time and getting their forecasts (Vartanian, 2010). Generally, forward-looking estimates are used in the development of both the goals and strategies of organizations in general and business activities.

The organization, which commissioned the market research or conducts its own, to get information on what to sell and to whom, and how to sell and how to stimulate sales. This is critical to achieving competitive advantage. The study can predefine change goals and strategies of the organization as a whole.

Type of Marketing Information and Sources Receipt

Typically, the market research uses information based on primary and secondary data. Primary data are the result of specially commissioned for a specific business problem of so-called field of business research, and their collection is carried out by observation, surveys, experimental research carried out, usually over a part of the general set of the objects sampling.

Under the secondary data used to perform, the so-called cabinet market research refers to data previously collected from internal and external sources for purposes other than the purposes of market research. In other words, secondary data is not the result of specific business research.

Since the desk researches are the most affordable and cheapest method of business research, the collection of secondary data is usually preceded primary data collection (Stephen, 2001). For small and medium-sized organizations and sometimes desk research, it is almost the dominant method of obtaining business information.

Internal sources are reporting organizations, interviews with staff and other sales managers and staff, marketing information system, accounting and financial statements, reports executives at shareholder meetings, messages sales staff, travel reports, review of complaints and customer complaints, letters of thanks, plans production and R & ...
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