Research Methods

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Research Methods

Research Methods


In this paper, we are conducting research about the human resource management and it importance in the organization. The objective of this research is to determine the role of human resource in the organization.

Literature Review

Objectives of the Human Resource Management

The objectives of human resource management can be divided into four main objectives:

Social Objectives

Corporate Objectives

Functional Objectives

Personal Goals

Social Objectives

Human resource management must be reflected in society in ways that contribute to this. That is why organizations must be careful in discriminatory practices that are absent from their ethical commitment to society.

Corporate Objectives

The human resource department is also responsible for the achievements of the fundamental goals of the organizations. They can be instrumental in facilitating the achievement of them.

Functional Objectives

Human resource management should reasonably contribute to the organization, insufficient or excessive use of resources might impair the company.

Personal Goals

Human resource management is a mean to meet the individual needs of the members of an organization, so that each individual feels responsible in carrying out their duties (Jarrell, 2003, p. 158).

Activities of the Human Resource Management

The activities of a human resources department can be divided into the following:

Planning: have to anticipate future business needs.

Development: By developing employees can satisfy the needs of the company.

Evaluation: It is necessary to note the performance of employees, and any adjustments to be done.

Compensation: Are the gains accruing to employees for their contributions to the company.

Control: Implement controls to evaluate the effectiveness and ensure the success of the company.

Functions of the Human Resource Management

Regardless of company size and activity, we have some duties, to be performed either by a single person, department or an external outsourcing (consultant).

1ST Job Function: Provides the company at all times the necessary personnel, both quantitatively and qualitatively, to develop optimal production processes with a criterion of economic efficiency. May be additive (add staff to the company) or subtractive (lower staff of the organization) (Guest, 2001, pp. 377).

2ND personnel management function: Responsible for bureaucratic management of staff to join the company until he leaves.

3RD payment function: This looked at getting a salary structure that meets three conditions; motivator, internally equitable, externally competitive.

4TH function of HR management and development: Refers to the need of individuals to grow within the organization.

5TH function relations: It is about dealing with conflicts.

6TH Social Services Function: This is the establishment of voluntary measures by the company to improve the working environment.

Responsibilities of HR in Hiring Process

HR employees are responsible to create a healthy work environment from the interview and onwards. This includes ads about the job in news papers and websites which are the first impression an organisation gives to the future member of staff. In an interview, interviewer must not ask illegal questions about personal matters of the interviewee such as marital status, religion, sexual orientation (Legged, 2005, p 415).


It is the responsibility of HR management to plan an orientation for new comers and tell them about the company policies, regulations and working procedure. Each step of the orientation should be planned and ensuring that new workers ...
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