Research Methods

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Research Methods

Research Methods


Today, with the growth of the field of educational research, various research methods and statistical techniques are used in doctoral dissertations. However, it is still unclear if quantitative research is still the primary research method utilized in educational doctoral dissertations or if its use has been slowed by the growth of qualitative research. Also, there is limited information regarding whether doctoral students are taking advantage of the growth of new statistics techniques and technologies by using advanced statistical techniques in their dissertations. In addition, there is a paucity of research focusing on doctoral dissertations with regard to the research aspects. A review of research methods and statistical techniques used in professional journals was the aim of multiple previous research studies. Discovering the current state in the use of research methods and statistical techniques by previous doctoral students will aid in the evaluation and improvement of educational programs for the preparation of current and future graduate students. It will also give a clearer understanding with respect to the most frequently utilized research methods and statistical techniques by graduate students in order to use this information as a base line for the statistical skills graduate students must master. It will also provide an indicator regarding the ability of graduate students to comprehend the advanced statistical techniques used in field professional journals. Therefore, all the issues related to Research Methods will be discussed in detail.

Ethics in research

Marketing research is used to obtain information related to consumer behavior. The public is often unaware that their Internet activity, online browsing, and social media connections provide researchers with the opportunity to track their actions and establish a profile of personal interests. Researchers gather data to obtain knowledge of individual interest patterns, creating the ability to establish target markets for advertising. Marketing research data provide valuable information to assist companies in determining customer expectations, but the desire to obtain data can sometimes compromise consumer expectations of privacy and the integrity of the process. Unethical behavior in marketing research will diminish public trust, subsequently limiting the opportunity to effectively advertise products and services to interested segments of the population. Demonstrating ethical behavior will serve as a means for relationship building and corporate stability, resulting in a stronger organization (Creswell, 2003, 122).

Appropriate marketing research can contribute to the success of an organization, and a high level of ethical standards will assist with a foundation built on integrity. The American Marketing Association (AMA) is an organization that is committed to the promotion of ethical behavior in marketing. A code of conduct has been established to serve as a guideline for practitioners in marketing and advertising. The primary focus of marketing ethics is to do no harm, promote truth, and behave in an ethical manner. The AMA has identified six ethical values to guide behavior in marketing and advertising. The values include honesty, responsibility, fairness, respect, transparency, and citizenship. Adhering to these principles will help steer professionals toward honorable actions. The value of honesty emphasizes the ...
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