Research Methodology

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[Research Methodology]


Research Methodology

Research Design

As it can be observed from the aims and the objectives of the proposed project, the main information which are required and need to be collected to carry out this research can be classified into two main types

Type 1: information relevant to previous work and research about the area of online systems integration which includes feedback systems in order to build and develop solid arguments and justifications for the data and the design process of the system

Type 2 : information and data which directly related to the features of the proposed system and which can assist in identifying the characteristics which our proposed system need to include to give the useful outputs that can achieve the main aims and objectives of the research as stated in the previous paragraph

Although, identifying the data type is an important and essential step, however choosing the right data collection and contribute to the effectiveness of the research outcomes .Data collection methods are divided into two main types, primary data collection, and secondary data collection method.

According to Belk (2006) primary data are information which has been obtained from their original source without any third party interference .In contrast, secondary data, are data that has been already obtained by other sources and used again in different research. For the proposed project, both types of data will be involved, previous work and studies will be main part of the report, and therefore secondary data are required (previous work and research which already done), and these information can be obtained from books, academic journals and WebPages. The second essential part of the report will be the data analysis and design. Based on the aims and the objectives of the projects of the proposed project, data and information about the type of the feedback system and its characteristics has to be collected .Since the users of this system are university students and academic staff, therefore there will be need to obtain information about how students would like the features and the design of the system in order to be able to identifying these features.

For instance , students will be asked whether they like the system in different languages or only in English, also , whether students prefer to give written feedbacks , or “Yes “or “No” answers, whether they prefer to give their comments and feedback verbally or written .All these information are essential to decide the final features and characteristics of the proposed system. In addition, to the students, it is important also to gather information about the system design from the end-users of the system which are course managers and academic staff.

Sources of Data

After identifying the data source, the method to collect the required information from the students and staff plays major roles in the final finding and results. The data will be collected through different primary data collection tools, which are a questionnaire and interviews .There are two main types of questionnaires: The open questionnaire and closed ...
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