Research Methodology

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Research Methodology

Research Methodology

Interview vs. questionnaires


The interviews were used to gather information orally, through questions suggested by the analyst. Respondents may be managers or employees who are current users of the system existing, potential users of the proposed system or those who provide data or be affected by the proposed application. The analyst can interview the staff individually or in groups, some analysts prefer this method to other techniques that are discussed later. However, interviews are not always the best source of application data. Moreover, the interview gives the analyst an excellent opportunity to establish a current of sympathy with the staff user, which is fundamental course of study.

Conducting the Interview:

The ability of the interviewer is vital to the success in finding made ??by the interview. Good interview depends on the knowledge of both the analyst preparing the specific purpose of an interview and the questions to be done to a person determined. Tact, impartiality and even appropriate attire help ensure a successful interview. The lack of these factors may reduce any chance of success. For example, an analyst who works in the application focus on reducing errors (detected by the management of high level) probably would not succeed if it were to an office of mid-level management with the presentation wrong, such as “We are here to solve your problem”.

Explain all amplitude with the purpose and scope of the study (Honesty).

Explain the role as an analyst and owner role expected give the interviewee (Fairness).

Ask specific questions to obtain quantitative answers (Acts).

Avoid questions that require interested opinions, subjectivity and attitudes similar (ability).

Avoid whispering and meaningless phrases (Clarity).

Be courteous, abstaining from judgmental values (Objectivity).

Retain Control of the interview, avoiding digressions and comments on the sidelines of the issue.

Listen carefully to what is said, keeping to anticipate the responses (Communication).

Collecting data by interview:

The interview is a conversation, to analyze the characteristics of systems personnel carefully selected for their knowledge of the system; analysts can gain information not available in any other way. In the research system, qualitative and quantitative forms of important information are gained from interviews. Qualitative information is related to opinion, political and narrative descriptions of activities or problems, while quantitative descriptions often deal with numbers or quantities. Often interviews may be the best source of information qualitative, the other methods tend to be more useful in gathering quantitative data. They are valuable views, comments, ideas or suggestions in relation to how you could do the job; the interview is sometimes the best way to learn about the activities of companies. The interview can quickly discover misunderstandings, false expectations or even resistance potential for applications development , indeed, it is often easier to schedule an interview with senior managers, must ask you to fill out questionnaire.

Determining the type of interview:

The structure of the interview varies. If the purpose of the interview is to get general information, it is desirable to develop a series of unstructured questions with a question and answer ...
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