Research Method

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Research Method

Critically Review of Research Studies


We know that a research project consists of multiple sections that together contribute to the formation of a study which is expected to contribute to the welfare of workers and companies that require it. It also seeks to give students and teachers use of studies and subjecting them to discussion as long as they can be improved. The multiple sections to which I referred above are basically the problem formulation, justification, and creation of a theoretical or conceptual development of a methodology, a plan for analyzing the results, among other important components, these elements cannot be developed adequately without having a proper conducted and thorough review of the literature.

In this paper we will discuss two relevant research studies identifying and evaluate different sources of data, methods employed, strengths and weaknesses and results produced on the basis of reliability and validity.


The two articles which has been selected are “The qualitative Study on effects o working unsocial hours” written by Suzanne Crew and Exploring Men's Experiences of Penile cancer surgery to improve rehabilitation written by Kathryn Bullen, Sarah Mathew , Stephen Edward.

Different Sources of Data in Articles

Article 1

Secondary Research

Secondary sources are texts based on primary sources, and involve analysis, generalization, interpretation, synthesis, or evaluation. In the study of history, secondary sources are the documents which are not written contemporaneously with the events that are studied. A literature review is written to analyze and discuss published scientific reports generally in a particular area of knowledge and certain period. A good literature review requires knowledge in the use of indexes and abstracts, the ability to conduct extensive literature searches, the ability to organize the information collected so that it has meaning, describe, criticize and relate each source to the subject of consultation, and present the review in a logically organized, and finally, the ability to properly cite all sources (/

A secondary source contrasts with a primary, which is a form of information that can be considered as a vestige of his time. A secondary source is usually a comment or analysis of a primary source. For example, the journal of General Ulysses S. Grant is a primary source because it was written at the time and can be considered as original source "raw" (which is silent as to its accuracy or completeness). A book about Grant, and used the newspaper, would generally be considered a secondary source. In historiography, however, even this book could be considered a primary source: if another author is devoted to study of the various stories written about Grant, can be used as track which was originally conceived as a secondary source.

It should be stipulated that the different learning methodologies based on your own can sometimes be classified in many ways a material as a source of primary or secondary. Another factor that may changes the status of the source of the passage of time and the associated change in scientific perspective. Secondary sources serve primarily as teaching and popularization of ...
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