Research Critique: Flirting on Sunny Days are More Effective
Flirting on Sunny Days are More Effective
Study published in on January 2, 2013 Weather and courtship behavior: A quasiexperiment with the flirty sunshine. Social Influence: on sunny days, women were more receptive to being approached and flirt-over a fifth-22.4%- of women did so when the sun was out.
New Source
Nicolas Guéguen. Weather and courtship behavior: A quasiexperiment with the flirty sunshine. Social Influence, published online January 2, 2013; doi: 10.1080/15534510.2012.752401
Academic Source
Geuguen, Nicolas. Weather and courtship behavior: A quasi-experiment with the flirty sunshine. london: Taylor Francis Online, 2013. Print.3