Research Critique

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Research Critique

Research Critique


The article that has been selected for critique is Explore the Effectors of Bone Mineral Density in Community Women written by Shu-Fang Chang. This research article involves the study related to epidemiological studies involving women of Asia who presented that mineral density of their bone has been low as compared to the American and European women. It is very significant that there are very less studies that have investigated the cognition, behavior and beliefs that influence the bone mineral density simultaneously. The core focus of this paper is to discuss and critique on the important points have been discussed and revealed in the selected research article.

Aims and Objectives

There are a number of important aims that have been identified in this research article that serve as the major purpose of the research conducted in the selected article. The following are two most important aims that have been identified for the research.

To explain the connections between demographics, health beliefs and information of osteoporosis about osteoporosis, health-related behavior and bone mineral density.

To evaluate the main predictive factors that influence the bone mineral density of women in the community.

Literature Review

Osteoporosis is a disease in which bones becomes fragile. It usually occurs in old age and affect both men and women equally (Amin. S, 2012). Osteoporosis usually remains undetected until any problem of fracture happens. Bone mineral density is the ratio of the weight of the bones to that of the area or volume of the bones (Osteogenesis Imperfecta Foundation, 2007). It has been observed that the density and strength of bones begin to decrease after the age of 35 years. Osteoporosis is analyzed to be a major health problem in the United States that affect 28 million people out of which majority is found to be of women. It has been revealed from the epidemiological studies related to Asian women that their bone mineral density is quite low when compared to American and European women, because of the weight and structure of their bodies. It has been researched that 452,000 women in Taiwan are above the age of 50 years and they suffer from the disease of osteoporosis (Chang, S. F., 2004). This number is gradually increasing with the passage of time. It has also been observed that the quantitative ultrasound assessment of bone is considered to be a very potent predictor of the hip fractures and is also considered to be a tool approved by FDA for the identification of women being at risk of osteoporosis. It has also been observed in the selected article is the connection between variables related to disease was found to be powerful with quantitative ultrasound measures than with the DXA bone measures. The results that have been inculcated from the quantitative ultrasound bone measures reflect the bone mass.

Research Framework

The research framework that has been followed in the selected research critique involves a number of important factors that are interrelated with each other. The factors that have been considered for this research include ...
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