Value and Significance of Caring in Nursing

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Research Critique

Research Critique

Problem Statement

The research problem that led to study was regarding the importance of caring in the nursing aspects. It was regarding the value and significance of caring in the field of nursing, and how important is this aspect for the patients. The significance and importance of caring if known, could improve health care delivery and patient outcomes.

The study demonstrates why caring is of so much importance, and why it is important to know the perspective of nurses and patients regarding caring. It further shows, how health care delivery and patient outcomes could be improved if this factor is taken into serious consideration. There have been several complaints and issues regarding the nursing practices, and patients have not been satisfied with the caring process. There is no high cost affiliated with improving the caring process, and transferring the importance of it among nurses, but it plays an important role in health care. It was assumed in this thesis that caring plays a significant role in health care practice, in preserving individuals' dignity, integrity and wholeness. The application of caring applies on the whole, and there is not only one place or geographical region that is affected by it.

Purpose and Research Questions

The main purpose of this research is to achieve a deeper understanding of important aspects of caring in clinical practice from both the nurses' and patients' perspectives, and to elucidate necessary aspects of caring for future nursing research. The research questions that the study was designed to answers were as follows:

What is the patients' perspective of caring?

How do nurses perceive the aspect of caring?

How important is caring for improving health care?

In this research, triangulation has been used in research questions, designs, and data collection as it is based on caring from the perspective of nurses and patients. The purpose ...
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