Research Critique

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Research Critique

Research Critique

Research Questions

What are the different kinds of desires that promote sexual initiation and alcohol use in Black and Latino girls?

What methods can be used to kill the desire that promote sexual initiation and alcohol use in Black and Latino girls?

What strategies can be used in order to implement these methods to kill the desire that promote sexual initiation and alcohol use in Black and Latino girls?



Women experience a different drive in regard to sexual behavior, when compared to men. It cannot be said that the desire is less. The female desire is based less on visual effects than the male desire Liche. A man who looks at his partner and they will immediately feel appealing content. A woman draws her request, however, rather from the words she hears. That is the problem: men speak very little - and when it comes to words of love or passion is less (Winstock, Berman, et al, 2004). Therefore, the female desire to not fully and remains so to speak, to idle. When a man understands, he properly talks to a woman she can feel a very strong desire for him, and this has been the case for years. Therefore, it can be said that it is the male gender that develops the desire of women for sexual behavior (O'Donnell, Myint-U, et al, 2010). In relation to the consumption of alcohol by women, it can be said that alcoholism is not just for men - more and more women take to the bottle. According to statistics, now comes in two alcoholic men a woman addicted to alcohol. While men are drinking more socially acceptable (to manhood is the fact that man can tolerate a healthy gulp), is the drinking woman in our society as the very last - which is why playing the addiction of women aged mostly in secret. The typical drinker drinks secretly and alone at home (O'Donnell, Myint-U, et al, 2010).


Race cannot be said to be one of the main drivers of sex. This is because of the fact that, in western societies, individuals belonging to every race have the desire to have sex with their partners (Winstock, Berman, et al, 2004). Though, it can be said that the extent of this desire can sometimes depend on the race of the individual, yet, it can also be said that race is not a crucial aspect in this regard (Winstock, Berman, et al, 2004). Moreover, in relation to the consumption of alcohol, the situation is the same. This is because of the fact that alcohol is consumed by people belonging to every race (O'Donnell, Myint-U, et al, 2010).


Sexuality is not a private matter between two people. It is something that affects all of society. Think of the world population growth, to child abuse, infanticide: this does not come from nowhere, but it depends on the position taken by each pair in the management of their sexuality and their reproductive capabilities (Winstock, Berman, et al, 2004). Think of the teenage ...
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