Research Analysis Paper

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Research Analysis Paper

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Table of Contents

Research Problem3

Literature Review3

Research Design4



Implications for Practice6


Research Analysis Paper

Research Problem

This study aims at finding out the effectiveness of a method that involves strategic instruction in diagram generation, on teaching students with learning disabilities (LD) to solve 1- and 2-step computational word problems of varying types.

Following were the research questions:

Can the ability of students with learning disabilities (LD), be improved in generating diagrams used to represent mathematical word problems?

Can the diagram incorporating strategy in mathematical word problems improve the performance of students with LD?

Will the students with Learning Disability be able to generalize the acquired skills of problem solving to authentic, real-world problems?

How, students with Learning Disabilities will assess the effectiveness and acceptability of the strategy instruction method of teaching?

Literature Review

Research on the effectiveness instruction focused method in improving problem solving ability of students with Learning Disabilities.

It has been frequently cited that diagrams can be used to visualize word problems, which helps to understand the structure and ultimately in solution. However, there are multiple types of images and few of them have been identified as contributing to understanding of word problems. Two primary types of imagery: pictorial and schematic. Schematic problems have been identified as collaborative element in mathematical problem solving. (Hegarty and Kozhevnikov, (1999)

Students with disabilities have been found to be lacking in the ability of transforming linguistic and non-numerical information in a mathematical word problem into a representation, and the result of this lacking, students with learning disabilities are not able to comprehend the information in that manner as to solve the problem.

It was found that student with learning disabilities had low ability to visualize than talented performers, further that students with learning disabilities use pictorial representation more often, in contrast to gifted students who often used schematic representation (Hegarty and Kozhevnikov , 1999) .

The research on the effectiveness of such representation techniques in children with disabilities have been studied, but it needs further research. Previous studies have focused on single operation problem solving, and involvement of students in forming diagrams was very low. ( Jitendra et al., 1998).

This research extends the examination of representation technique. It involves the generation of diagrams to solve one and two steps mathematical problems by students.

Research Design

This study is actually a preposterous. Three students selected for the study, who met the eligibility criteria for being described as ...
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