Living With a Long-Term Urinary Catheter: Older People Experiences - A Critique
Table of Contents
Purpose of the research1
Data collection methodology4
Validity of the research5
Evidence for the conclusion6
At ease7
Ethical issues8
Evidence based practise8
Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) tool11
Living With a Long-Term Urinary Catheter: Older People Experiences - A Critique
The purpose of this essay is to critique my chosen research, “Living with a long-term urinary catheter: older people experiences” (Godfrey, H. 2008, 181). The essay will focus on the research process in experiences of older people living with a long-term urinary catheter. This particular subject was chosen as it is of interest to me. Throughout my Health Care Assistant experience, I was involved in looking after patients with a urinary catheter. My role was to ensure cleanliness, catheter function, monitoring output and emptying catheter bag.
As a Trainee Assistant Practitioner (TAP) female catheterisation is one of my competencies. This has made me more aware about patient perception and psychological feelings when living with a long-term catheter. I work in High Care Unit, looking after patients of different ages and gender; some of them are quite reluctant to having a catheter, some view it as an embarrassment and considered it as undignified (Luck, 2004, 78).
In critiquing the research regarding patient's personal experiences, it enables me to relate, understand and empathise with the patient's situation and predicament. This enables me to give support, advice and information not only with the physical side implications but also the psychological impact in living with a long-term catheter.
Purpose of the research
The research that I have chosen aimed at understanding what is the experience of older people with urinary catheter, in particular, among those who have used it for a relatively long term basis.
Topics that were discusses during the research are stated hereunder.
On a very broad level the research participants were asked to shed light on their experience of living with a long term urinary catheter. This included prompt questions for both functional experience as well as emotional and psychological feelings associated with the experience. In this context, the participants were also asked about whom they are comfortable talking to about any problems they face with the catheter.
They were inquired on their reaction when they first got to know they will need to use the urinary catheter for some time now. Oftentimes people have difficulty accepting it and they cannot see it as part of their life (Rapport, 2004, 9). Different people use the catheter for different reasons. Hence, the reason for their use was explored.
Additionally, the participants were inquired about their daily routine with the catheter. How this has changed their routine and life on a day to day basis. This boiled down to the next topic for discussion which is the changes that they had to make in their life as a consequence of having a catheter. These may include a change in the social and family life as well as the reaction of loved ones over the new change in the life of older ...