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1. The domain of traditional diplomacy, whether political (hard) and cultural (soft), particularly in the latter case where diplomats are involved in cultivating public opinion is quite similar to the growing role of public relations, dealing with civil society groups (the gap between the state and the individual). Successful global enterprises align their operations with fundamental and universal values, for example human rights, labour relations, environmental standards and transparency. Once soft, these issues have now become hard.

With cultural sensitivity part of their armoury as well as public diplomacy in a world of 24/7 media coverage, diplomatic skills are key to business leaders' success along with their PR advisers as trustees of the intangible assets of the corporation, adding human rights and climate change to the list of issues they must help resolve(Foan, 2007). Niall Fitzgerald, former Unilever CEO, now chairman of Reuters, sums it up - “I believe our generation of business leaders will be judged on whether they positively contribute to resolving the two great issues of our day - Africa and climate change” (Thompson, 2006).

2. Basically we use coding in SPSS for categorize the data in terms of diplomacy and international relations it can be define as to maximize the attraction in statement, sound and to attract people. In communications, a code is a rule for converting a piece of information (for example, a letter, word, phrase, or gesture) into another form or representation (one sign into another sign), not necessarily of the same type. In communications and information processing, encoding is the process by which information from a source is converted into symbols to be communicated. Decoding is the reverse process, converting these code symbols back into information understandable by a receiver.

One reason for coding is to enable communication in places where ordinary spoken or written language is difficult or impossible. For example, semaphore, where the configuration of flags held by a signaller or the arms of a semaphore tower encodes parts of the message, typically individual letters and numbers. Another person standing a great distance away can interpret the flags and reproduce the words sent.

3. A frequency distribution table can be used. It is used to rank the disorganized data from the highest to the lowest. A frequency distribution table is an organized tabulation of the number of individual scores located in each category on the scale of measurement (Farmer, 2008). It contains at least two columns - one for the score categories (X) and another for the frequencies (f).

The competence of diplomacy drawn from the international relations literature and common practice - building relationships, negotiating opportunity, brokering success is surely the means by which, especially companies, become involved in the public policy minefield and form partnerships with other stakeholders to solve global issues. This is especially true in a world of more stakeholders and given the growing power of the private sector, and accompanying broader societal environmental, and even political responsibility.

A frequency distribution can be represented in a number of ...
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